Rain and storm alert, former RN executive convicted of harassment, death of Jean Kouchner: the main regional news

Rain and storm alert, former RN executive convicted of harassment, death of Jean Kouchner: the main regional news

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité en région sur midilibre.fr.

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Rain: orange alert and precautionary measures

#OCCITANIE Since this Wednesday, bad weather has been hitting the Gard and Lozère, leading in particular to the preventive closure of the train line between Alès and Langogne. Météo France has placed nine departments on orange alert for rain and flooding for this day of Thursday, October 17, including Lot, Tarn, Aveyron, Lozère and Gard.

As a precaution, school transport is canceled this Thursday in several areas of the Gard and submersible bridges are no longer accessible. “It is expected that 48-hour totals of around 200 to 300 mm are widespread over the Cévennes region, with peaks of 400/450 mm possible, or even more occasionally”, indicates Météo France.

Eight-month suspended sentence for former RN executive

#JUSTICE Bruno Leleu, a former RN executive in Aveyron, was sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended, by the criminal court of Rodez. The RN regional councilor of Occitanie will also have to follow an awareness training course on sexual and sexist violence and is prohibited from having contact with the victim, a former employee of the company he managed, for three years.

Bruno Leleu was absent during the deliberations and his lawyer, Me Cécilia Fraudet, refused to comment. Several testimonies read at the hearing also portrayed a character “rude, insulting towards women”. He was notably accused of sending lewd text messages.

The complainant left the company, which has since been liquidated, in 2022 “after his advances became unbearable”. The criminal court also ordered Bruno Leleu to pay him €3,000 in damages.

Exported livestock: what welfare ?

#SÈTE The INRA in Montpellier conducted a three-year survey on the health status of livestock exported from the port of Sète. "We know this objectively and scientifically: animal welfare is respected" says Laurent Trémoulet, the head of Sepab (Société d’exploitation du parc à beauxiaux) in light of the results of this study, a world first, which the institution will publish in the coming weeks. Then, the company's objective will be to have the crossing management tool certified. A work that is already underway.

Jean Kouchner has passed away

#MONTPELLIER A former journalist at Radio France and secretary general of the International Union of the Francophone Press (UIPF), Jean Kouchner died at the age of 77 on Tuesday, October 15, from lung cancer. He lived in Assas, northeast of Montpellier.

He was a professor at the University of Montpellier from 2000 to 2011. Jean Kouchner was also a professor at the École supérieure du journalisme (ESJ) in Montpellier, where he taught press rights, ethics, and journalistic writing. His brother Bernard Kouchner was the co-founder of Médecins sans frontières and Médecins du monde, as well as a minister in several governments.

Today's figure: 175

#AVEYRON This is the distance, in km, of the ultra trail that four Aveyronnais will run. Thibault Pradeilles, Tom Loubat, Dan and Tom Aragon are indeed registered for the famous Diagonale des Fous in La Réunion which is due to start this Thursday evening.

None of them have yet participated in such a long and difficult event (and 10,100m of positive elevation gain). To prepare, they have chained together sessions on the causses, but also at Aigoual where they have multiplied the climbs of the 4,000 steps.

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