Return home for the mayor of Codognan before quickly returning to business

Return home for the mayor of Codognan before quickly returning to business

Return home for the mayor of Codognan before quickly returning to business

No hard feelings between Philippe Gras and Inka. Midi Libre – Correspondent

Victim of a cart accident, Philippe Gras was hospitalized between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

It was, welcomed by his parents who came from Formiguères (66), that Philippe Gras, mayor of Codognan and president of Rhony-Vistre-Vidourles, was, after 10 days of hospitalization in intensive care at Carémeau University Hospital for a broken collarbone and 7 ribs plus loss of memory, returned home Friday January 5 afternoon.

We remember that, the day after Christmas, the man who, as a horse enthusiast, regularly participates in the French amateur driving competition championships, was unseated from his carriage by his youngest Cob Normande 6-year-old Inka, whom he was going to train.

A vows ceremony postponed

"There, I was champing at the bit, but I was surrounded by a kind, very professional and dedicated healthcare team,” said the first councilor who acknowledges having received "many messages of sympathy and support, which always warms the heart. For my responsibilities, my deputies performed very well at the town hall of Codognan as well as Thierry Agniel, first vice-president in Rhony-Vistre-Vidourle, as well as the civil servants." < /p>

Always as determined and dynamic, he estimates that he will "resume next week because we need to screw in the bolts and settle the final details of certain urgent files" . He will perform his greeting ceremony for the population on January 25 (6:30 p.m.), which had to be postponed due to his accident, "on the other hand, I will refrain from participating in the various other ceremonies provided for in the protocol. 

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