Rhythmic gymnastics: Mäelle Millet aims for flawless performance at the European Championship to hope for the Games

Rhythmic gymnastics: Mäelle Millet aims for flawless performance at the European Championship to hope for the Games

Maëlle Millet monte en puissance ses dernières semaines. MAXPPP – Jean-François FREY

La pensionnaire du pôle espoir de Montpellier joue sa qualification du 23 au 26 mai à Budapest en Hongrie. 

With almost two months until the Olympic Games, it’s now or never. The period when you have to put out your best performances if you want to be in Paris.
This is what is at stake for Montpellier native Maëlle Millet at the European Championship which takes place from May 23 to 26 in Budapest, Hungary. Make the best possible score and beat the other Frenchwoman Hélène Karbanov.

Rhythmic gymnastics: Mäelle Millet aims for flawless performance at the European Championship to hope for the Games

The resident of the Montpellier hope center has given herself the means and is gaining strength in her last weeks As evidenced by these 22nd and 19th places in the World Cup in Sofia (Bulgaria) and Baku (Azerbaijan) but especially his hoop final finished in 6th position still in Baku during a European Cup.

"It’was not a European championship but still there was great competition. It's promising", satisfied her coach Aleksandra Konova. Who therefore expects a practically perfect composition during this European championship. "She just needs to do four without falling (1 per apparatus, Editor's note) and without fault. Normally, that will do it, there is no reason, assures the coach of the Montpellier hope center.

Lily Ramonatxo turned towards 2028

Maëlle actually did it last Saturday, during a full-scale test, in her training gym at La Mosson. "There was a regional competition and so, she took the opportunity to pass, details Aleksandra Konova rather confidently. We see that when she passes without a mistake, she is loved and well rated."

Enough to compete with her competitor and give herself the hope of casting doubt in the commission which will decide on the gymnast representing France at the Olympic Games.

It will not be the other Montpellier player, Lily Ramonatxo, who, injured in the foot at the start of the season, was unable to defend her chances normally. It is already looking towards 2028.

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