Ride arm detached: young man dies trapped in his cabin after spectacular ride accident

Ride arm detached: young man dies trapped in his cabin after spectacular ride accident

L’homme n’a pas survécu à la chute. Capture d'écran X

Un homme âgé de 36 ans est décédé ce 3 août 2024 dans un accident de manège dans le quartier de Matamá, à Vigo en Espagne.

Fatal ride. The tragedy occurred during a funfair in the Matamá district of Vigo, Spain, on the night of August 3-4, reports Radio Vigo.

The man got stuck in the ride's cabin

A 26-year-old man has died in a freak ride accident. The arm of the “Saltamontes” attraction (Grasshopper in French) in which the thirty-year-old was riding, was in reverse when it broke and was thrown to the ground, several witnesses on the scene indicated.

The attraction manager tried to stop his ride but it continued to spin on itself before the tragedy occurred, according to El Correo.

The man, trapped in his cabin high up, died in the fall after hitting his head hard. The emergency services in Galicia confirmed his death. His partner, who was with him, is in shock but escaped virtually unharmed.

“A disgrace”

Shortly after the tragedy, the festivities were suspended. Rescue teams were forced to free the victim but were unable to save him.

“It is a shame, I offer my condolences to the family and friends of the victims”, said the president of the Matamá festival committee, Cristian González.

An investigation has been opened to clarify the causes of this tragedy.

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