Roland-Garros: a Bolivian for Benjamin Bonzi and a Romanian for Léolia Jeanjean in the first round of qualifying

Roland-Garros: a Bolivian for Benjamin Bonzi and a Romanian for Léolia Jeanjean in the first round of qualifying

Léolia Jeanjean et Benjamin Bonzi sont fixés sur leur sort à Roland-Garros. MAXPPP

Benjamin Bonzi et Léolia Jeanjean connaissent l’adversaire qu’ils affronteront lors du premier tour des qualifications de Roland-Garros, après le tirage au sort réalisé ce dimanche 19 mai.

There will be 40 French men and women trying to extricate themselves from the qualifying jungle in order to enter the final draw of this 123rd edition of Roland-Garros. For this To do so, they will need to win three matches to hope to play in the tournament.

N’having not received a wild card like Richard Gasquet for example, two regionals, namely Nîmes Benjamin Bonzi (27 years old) and Montpellier Léolia Jeanjean (28 years old), will have to pass through the qualifications box.

Bonzi facing an earthling

The Gardois will be opposed to the Bolivian Hugo Dellien, current 163rd in the world and ex N.64 in 2022 and rather comfortable on clay. Having fallen to 175th place after a struggling year following a painful wrist, Bonzi could face his compatriot Benoît Paire in the second round if he wins against Dellien.

For her part, Léolia Jeanjean (145th in the world) will face the 32-year-old Romanian, Andrea Mitu. Facing the 232nd in the world who reached the round of 16 in 2015 in Paris, the Montpellier player will want to join the main draw to repeat her great adventure of 2022 where she reached the third round.

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