RSA, activity bonus, housing assistance… Social Security has accumulated errors amounting to 5.5 billion euros in 2023

RSA, activity bonus, housing assistance... Social Security has accumulated errors amounting to 5.5 billion euros in 2023

Les comptes de la Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales ne seront pas certifiés. Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

La Cour des comptes publie un rapport accablant sur les dysfonctionnements de la branche famille de la Sécurité sociale, mise à l'index pour des versements indus ou des aides non versées à tort.

RSA, activity bonus, housing assistance… in its annual report on the accounts of the general social security system, published Friday, the Court of Auditors reports 5.5 billion euros in undue payments or social benefits wrongly not paid for the family branch of social Security. A situation which makes "impossible" certification of the accounts of the Family Allowance Fund in 2023. For benefits not paid, the situation "will never be regularized".

The years follow one another and are similar. In 2022, the Court had already not been able to certify the exercise, due to a "amount much too high" of errors, of the order of 5.8 billion€.

New retirees: errors for one person in seven

This time again, she declares "unable to certify" the accounts from the National Family Allowance Fund.

The accounts of the other branches of Social Security have been certified "with reservations". They do not are, however, not exempt from bad payments.

The error rate for health insurance on reimbursements of health costs and work stoppage is estimated at around 10%, or nearly four billion euros . And for the National Old Age Insurance Fund, pension errors would affect one new retiree in seven.

"The network's error detection capacity remains much lower than the risk induced by the insufficient reliability of the data declared by the beneficiaries", report the magistrates. The organizations responsible for paying benefits report a calculation system that is too complex and changes depending on the reforms.

They also report disorganization due to the crisis… of Covid.

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