Rugby: on good momentum, Saint-Affrique looks to the top of the table

Rugby: on good momentum, Saint-Affrique looks to the top of the table

Patrick Galtier et David Delamarre mettent en avant la bonne santé du club Midi libre – Michel Durand

Le club sud-aveyronnais vit une belle première partie de saison. Plus que le maintien, le club espère jouer les phases finales au printemps.

If last year at this time, eyes were turned towards the bottom of the table, it is towards the top that the center of interest of the RCSA is now located. After announcing at the start of the season that survival was the objective of the season, this was revised upwards with the aim of participating in the final stages. Patrick Galtier, president of the RCSA, agrees: "The objective is to get into the top four or be in the two best fifths." This new challenge seemed hypothetical to say the least in start of the season for a squad which has practically not changed compared to last year when it had to fight to maintain itself.

Young people well integrated and at the level

New blood has, however, joined the group and in this case three former juniors: Merviel, Guipal and Garvi brought their freshness and a plus to the team despite their young age. Garvi brought efficiency to the shots on the bars and allowed his team to play on equal terms with their opponents in an area which had been particularly lacking during the previous exercise. This positive and rapid integration of these young people trained at the club is a great success.

Points always assured

In terms of accounting, with 25 points the RCSA occupies fifth place in the general classification with Quillan-Limoux. Out of ten matches played, he won four, lost as many and had two draws. The team took points in each match with, in particular, a defensive bonus point in the first at Servian (21-14) and the second at Rivesaltes (15-12). Good results which are somewhat altered by the two home defeats against Thuir (32-36) and Trèbes (27-24).

Despite these two pitfalls, the group is on a good path. David Delamare, the club manager indicates "that the coaches are happy with the investment of the players who are more numerous in training". The more complete preparation can partly explain the results of the reserve team which occupies an honorable 6th place with 27 points. The fight to join the qualifiers promises to be difficult for this second part of the season, it confirms the good health of the club. "All the lights are green", specifies Patrick Galtier. "We have many satisfactions at the level of the youth center, the women's, the rugby school, the investment of volunteers, our presence in the school environment…" A good dynamic that must be validated by "the senior team, the club's showcase".

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