Rugby union: combative, RC Sète has taken a big step towards remaining in Federal 3
|La défense sétoise a été héroïque, repoussant constamment les assauts marseillais. MIDI LIBRE – Jérôme Belluire
Vainqueurs 14-13 du SMUC ce dimanche 3 mars, les Sétois ont retrouvé toutes leurs valeurs.
The faces were marked with a chisel, stained with mud and fatigue at the end of the fight fought this Sunday against a valiant Marseille team. But also relieved and proud.
Marked faces. FREE NOON – Jérôme Belluire
Heroic defensively, stubborn in attack, the Sète rugby players delivered an "old-fashioned" performance, perfectly grouped around a dominating pack to make the difference afterwards the hour of play on two penalties. « This victory makes me all the happier since I hadn't checked it », said President Jean-Luc Fabre at the end of the meeting. « SMUC is a big team that beat a lot of opponents in the group and left a big impression on us on the way out. We were worried because we haven't yet secured our position, but this victory is good for the rankings. »
A tough fight. FREE NOON – Jérôme Belluire
A pack constantly on the move
Taking advantage of climatic conditions allowing to densify an already heavy pack, RC Sète knew how to play with its qualities. « I saw a scrum that moved forward each time, with a special mention for Sébastien Duperron who plays in B and who showed all his qualities. We hurt them, I think they didn't expect to be moved like that in a closed scrum. We must also salute the exemplary nature of Renaud Droitecour who, at 40 years old, played the entire match. He brings us all his experience of Federal 1. » And leadership.
Rightcourt as leader. FREE NOON – Jérôme Belluire
Jean-Luc Fabre could therefore take a breather this Sunday at the end of the afternoon. « Maintenance is still ongoing. If we hit Mourillon, the sky will clear up. In any case, this victory is worth more than four points for me. RC Sète found itself again. »
The shower must have been good. FREE NOON – Jérôme Belluire
The club's general meeting will be held this Thursday, March 7 at 7:15 p.m. at Espace Meyer, La Pierrerie, rue du Moulin à vent. I subscribe to read more