Sailing: follow the start of the Med Max, the offshore race in the Mediterranean, live from Port-Camargue

Sailing: follow the start of the Med Max, the offshore race in the Mediterranean, live from Port-Camargue

Les Ocean Fifty partiront plus vite que les Class 40. Med Max – Robin Christol

Dix-sept Class40 et neuf Ocean Fifty prennent le départ de Port Camargue à 13 h, direction le Maroc et Saïdia, dimanche 29 septembre. 

It's D-Day for the twenty-six Med Max boats. Five days after the opening of the departure village and two weeks of presence for some skippers on the pontoons of the Port Camargue harbor master's office, they will finally set off for Saïdia. The starting gun will be fired at 1 p.m.

Arrivals are scheduled for next Friday, in Morocco, after a route that will be reduced compared to what had been initially imagined. The light wind forced the organizers to have the Ocean Fifty race on the 1,000-mile circuit designed for the Class40s. The latter will adapt to the weather and three race options have been imagined.

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