Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Fabien Rojas, winner of the Gold Cup, also knows how to win finals!

Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Fabien Rojas, winner of the Gold Cup, also knows how to win finals!

Après les mi-moyens et moyens en 2000, la Coupe d’Or Gaston-Macone ! MIDI LIBRE – Jérôme Belluire

Le président de la LSS a inscrit son nom, de haute lutte, au palmarès de la grande nuitée ce vendredi 23 août.

Fabien Rojas clearly has no sense of timing. In any case, he has a sense of contradiction. A little over 24 hours after organizing the meal for those who have already lost a Saint-Louis final, the president of Lance Sportive Sétoise effectively showed all his guests the way forward by winning the Gold Cup hands down, this Friday in the middle of the night.

During the rematches, he opened the way to the semi-finals by throwing Cyril D’Elia (AJPC) with a superb lance strike. Then that of the final after a big fight against Yoan Jammes (APSM).

Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Fabien Rojas, winner of the Gold Cup, also knows how to win finals!

The finale. FREE MIDI – Jérôme Belluire

Beforehand, Adrian Lisanti (LAS) had disposed of John Ragno (LAS), Romain Rega (LAS) of Jonathan Boyer (AJS) and Loïc Cerrato (LAS) of Vincent Rega (LAS). If Yoan Jammes was selected by the jury against Stéphane Gras (PO), Loïc D’Elia (APSM) sent all his rage against Cédric Amatore (JLS) then against Loïc Cerrato. Adrian Lisanti, for his part, obtained his ticket for the final four against Romain Rega, then confirmed by throwing Loïc D’Elia.

The defending champion was then very close to a double. But Fabien Rojas did not hear it that way. The finals are all well and good for having meals with friends, but it's still better when you win them.

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