Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Léo Causse, winner of the Moyens, invites himself to the Grand Prix with appetite

Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Léo Causse, winner of the Moyens, invites himself to the Grand Prix with appetite

L'émotion de Léo Causse après sa victoire. MIDI LIBRE – Jérôme Belluire

Le sociétaire des Pêcheurs a assumé son statut de favori ce dimanche 25 août dans un tournoi particulièrement relevé. Le Cadre a apprécié.

This is one of the biggest events of the Saint-Louis and, this Sunday, August 25, the middleweight tournament lived up to its reputation. On the sheet, there were 37 at the start. And many of them had the arguments to put their name on the list of winners and continue the great adventure on this Monday of the Grand Prix.

Seven revengers

At the end of the qualifications, there were still seven of them. One of the favorites of the day, Louis Liguori, was not on the list. And the revenge began with a superb pass, won by Brice Giordano against Irvin Petroff. A first serious contender had just expressed himself.

Saint-Louis Festival in Sète: Léo Causse, winner of the Moyens, invites himself to the Grand Prix with appetite

The final. MIDI LIBRE – Jérôme Belluire

Next came Léo Causse, who needed two lance thrusts to get rid of the resistant Nicolas Strina. For his part, Loïc Giordano, who had just lost his shield, did not seem to agree with the jury but it was Maxime Pascal who continued his journey.

Two fine finalists

It was time to enter the last four. And Noah Roux showed his colours with a lance thrust against Brice Giordano. The member of the Lance Amicale showed all his determination. But Léo Causse, despite having his back to the wall after three passes against Maxime Pascal, followed suit.

Neither of the two finalists wanted to settle for an invitation to the Grand Prix. And so the public was treated to a real final, won by the massive Léo. It is not always easy to be the favourite. Today's favourite assumed it.

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