Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon invests in a “100% citizen” solar project led by Sud Energia

Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon invests in a “100% citizen” solar project led by Sud Energia

Le conseil municipal de Sainte-Eulalie-de Cernon a délibéré favorablement le 19 juin 2024 . DR

La commune de Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon confirme sa confiance dans le projet solaire 100% citoyen porté par Sud Energia, coopérative citoyenne d’énergie du Sud-Aveyron.

The municipality of Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon confirms its confidence in the 100% citizen solar project led by Sud Energia, a citizen energy cooperative in South Aveyron. The municipal council of Sainte-Eulalie-de Cernon unanimously voted in favor on June 19, 2024 to authorize the citizen energy cooperative Sud Energia to develop, build and operate a photovoltaic power plant on the village's former landfill. The project will be commissioned in 2026.

A 835 kWc project, which will produce 1.1 GWh/year and whose production will primarily supply the local population.

Controlling the cost of energy for all

The Tournesol project is also a collective self-consumption project for
residents living within a 20-kilometer radius of the project. Households will be able to
benefit from part of the park's production at prices decided collectively within the cooperative. While encouraging the reduction of electricity consumption, one of the
project objectives is to enable the control of energy costs over a period of 20 years.

Fight against global warming

Through its projects, Sud Energia is committed to concrete actions to combat global warming by developing carbon-free electricity production.
As a reminder, the carbon quota of each French person must be reduced to 2 tonnes by 2050, and
The electrification of uses is necessary to achieve this objective. The members of Sud
Energia through their contribution affirm their desire to participate in this collective challenge.

Who is Sud Energia ?

Sud Energia is a citizen SCIC (Cooperative Society of Collective Interest) wanted and created in 2020 by a group of citizens from South Aveyron. Its objective is to provide local solutions to act against climate change by carrying out renewable energy production installation projects in the Grands Causses region, or by becoming a partner in these projects. Sud Energia is currently made up of 170 members from various categories: communities, local businesses and citizens. It is managed and led by a president and a cooperative council currently composed of eight members. This team is voluntary, no remuneration or dividend is distributed. All profits are intended to carry out renewable energy projects and/or to combat global warming. Since 2021, it has held 49% of a project company (Soleil des Grands Causses) which has already enabled the installation of 31 photovoltaic roofs in South Aveyron. Sud Energia now aims to develop projects allowing it to ensure governance and financing of its projects.

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