Salagou: an epidemic of vandalism hits cyanobacteria warning signs
|Comme ici à Octon, tout autour du lac, les panneaux ont été vandalisés. JM – JM
Tout autour du Salagou, les panneaux de prévention des risques ont été vandalisés. Ce week-end, 8 des 9 affichages mis en place par le Département ont été détruits ou ont disparu.
It has been almost two weeks now that the level 1 alert has been in effect in Salagou due to a significant concentration of cyanobacteria. A situation which, as a precaution, leads to a lot of constraints and contraindications to swimming. Prevention messages are also logically specified on a battery of signs distributed all around the lake. Because it is a question of “avoiding swimming, (not) ingesting lake water and keeping dogs away from the water”, warns the Department on its essential displays for users and visitors to the red lake. The red flags are still hoisted at the first aid stations in Clermont and on Vailhés beach, on the Celles side.
Alas, almost since these displays began on August 13, these signs put up by the Department have been the subject of acts of vandalism. Sometimes “simply” knocked over or thrown far away, others were broken. And the damage escalated at the end of last week. On Saturday, by mountain bike or on horseback, the patrols of the Grand Site Salagou Mourèze noted that of the 9 displays placed around the lake, only the one at Wind 34 in Clermont was still in good condition. Everywhere else: at Vailhés, Celles, Mas de Riri, Octon, Relais Nautique d'Octon, at the Roques car park, at Plots and at Presqu'île, the signs have been destroyed or have simply disappeared, according to the Grand Site de France.
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