Salagou: the red flag raised in Clermont for suspected cyanobacteria

Salagou: the red flag raised in Clermont for suspected cyanobacteria

Le drapeau rouge a été hissé vers 16 h à Clermont. JM – JM

Salagou: the red flag raised in Clermont for suspected cyanobacteria

Le drapeau rouge a été hissé vers 16 h. JM – JM

Salagou: the red flag raised in Clermont for suspected cyanobacteria

Venus du Vercors, ces vacanciers attendent les prochains résultats d'analyse. JM – JM

Salagou: the red flag raised in Clermont for suspected cyanobacteria

Des panneaux ont été installés autours du lac. JM – JM

La mesure de précaution a été prise ce mardi 13 août après-midi. À Clermont, un arrêté interdit la baignade jusqu’à nouvel ordre, en attendant des résultats d’analyse.

The red flag was raised this Tuesday, August 13, around 4 p.m., on Clermont beach, in Salagou. While the firefighters were busy getting swimmers out of the water, a sign was installed at the entrance to the site, stating that due to a risk of water toxicity linked to the presence of cyanobacteria, the precautionary principle called for “avoid swimming, (not) ingesting lake water and keeping dogs away from the water”.

While awaiting the results d’analysis

Quickly, and calmly, many vacationers logically left the shores of the lake. Some inquired about what to do and about the possible symptoms to watch out for in the event of ingestion, those of gastro in this case. Arriving at Salagou at the same time as the red flag was raised, Guillaume, Laura and their children Mathilde and Baptiste were coming from Vercors. "We arrived exactly at the same time as the red flag. We had already been there eleven years ago and we loved it, it’s truly magnificent. But there, we are told that we will not be able to swim. We are a little disappointed for the holidays with the children. But we have a campsite with a swimming pool, that saves the day, measures Guillaume, the father of the family. For these vacationers, what happens next will depend on the results of rsquo;expected analysis. “We'll see tomorrow (this Wednesday). If this continues, we won't stay here for the entire vacation. The idea, at first, was to go paddle boarding, but if we can't swim, we'll change plans.”

The alert threshold reached at six sampling points

In Clermont, the City was quick to issue a decree to prohibit swimming, until further notice, depending on the next results. At around 4:30 p.m., the Grand Site du Salagou-Cirque de Mourèze specified that: “The Hérault Department, as part of the monitoring protocol for toxicity linked to cyanobacteria in its bodies of water, carries out tests every week. The last one reached the alert threshold at 6 out of 9 sampling points. As a result, the Department triggered the alert monitoring procedure. Signs have been installed all around the lake to inform visitors and warn of the potential risk.” The results of further analyses, currently being carried out by a specialized laboratory, will be communicated upon receipt. Furthermore, the Grand Site reminds that “the presence of chlorophyll and cyanobacteria in water is normal. The precautionary principle applies in the event of a risk of toxicity of this cyanobacteria”.

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