Salindres: Solvay site blockade lifted following signing of an agreement

Salindres: Solvay site blockade lifted following signing of an agreement

Les camions entrent à nouveau librement sur le site chimique. Midi Libre – Gérard Masseboeuf

Après plus de 15 jours de conflit, un protocole de sortie de grève a été signé entre la direction de Solvay et le syndicat de la CGT.

This strike movement was initiated after management announced the cessation of production of TFA (trifluoroacetic acid), considered an eternal pollutant, and the elimination of 68 jobs. ~60/p>

At the end of the sixth negotiation session, this Thursday, October 10, since the beginning of the conflict, Solvay management specified in a press release that: “all the trade union organizations representing the site decided to sign the protocol of agreement to end the conflict during the negotiation session on Thursday, October 10. There has been a lot of progress compared to the initial proposals. In addition to the support measures, a supra-conventional indemnity of €40,000 will be paid to all dismissed employees, subject to the successful completion of future operations until the definitive shutdown of production. The future organization project will be modified by maintaining one AM maintenance position, one inspection technician position and one HSE employee position."

A conclusion that does not exclude the continuation of negotiations concerning the health aspect regarding the exposure of employees to these products. And if, by signing this agreement, the site is once again accessible, as well as that of the neighboring company Axens, collateral victim of the situation, the job protection plan will continue until December 11.

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