School battle and cozy atmosphere around the chessboard, Georges-Brassens room, in Sète
|Beaucoup de passion et de concentration autour des échiquiers, salle Georges-Brassens. Midi Libre – Patrice Espinasse
Cent enfants de classes de primaire ont disputé le championnat départemental scolaire d'échecs ce samedi 13 janvier, salle Brassens, à Sète.
The atmosphere was cozy this Saturday, January 13, Brassens room. And for good reason: 100 students from around fifteen primary schools in Hérault gathered there to compete in the departmental school chess championship .
The Renaissance school (Sète) at the foot of the podium
Organized by the departmental committee and the Sète chess club, the event lasted more than six hours and was played in six express rounds. The children therefore had to combine speed and concentration. In this game, the title of champion of Hérault was awarded to the Jonquilles school (Montpellier). The La Renaissance school (Sète) still finished at the foot of the podium but the Sétois Farès Kaleche finished 3rd individually.
It's time for a strategic choice for Raphaël: by the finger and the eye! Free Midi – Patrice Espinasse