September pay slip: why salaries will drop next year for millions of French people ?

Your pay slip for next September may show a reduction in your salary. We explain why.

At the start of the school year, some French people may see a decrease in their net salary on their pay slip, which could be explained by the annual revision of the withholding tax rate, reports RMC Conso.

Indeed, since the introduction of withholding tax in January 2020, part of income tax has been directly deducted from salaries before it reaches employees' bank accounts. This rate review, carried out every September 1st, is based on income declared the previous year.

The Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) calculates this new rate based on your latest tax return. For example, if your 2023 income, declared in 2024, is higher than your 2022 income, declared in 2023, your withholding tax rate will automatically be adjusted upwards. This increase will result in a decrease in your net salary from September.

Request a review of the withholding tax rate

To find out if your withholding tax rate has been changed, you can consult your personal space on the website, in the "Manage my withholding tax" section. You will find your new applicable rate there. You can also wait to receive your September pay slip and compare the tax rate with the one indicated on your August pay slip.

If your personal situation has changed during the year (marriage, civil partnership, birth of a child, etc.) you can request a review of your withholding rate so that it better corresponds to your new situation. However, this request for modification can only be made if the difference between the current withholding and the new requested rate is greater than 5%.

The new rate will then apply within three months of your request.

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