SOCCER. “Brutal isolation and multiple pressures”: a union files a complaint to denounce abusive practices within clubs

SOCCER. “Brutal isolation and multiple pressures”: a union files a complaint to denounce abusive practices within clubs

Kylian Mbappé a figuré dans le loft du Paris Saint-Germain cet été. MAXPPP – TERESA SUAREZ

L'Union nationale des footballeurs et footballeuses professionnels (UNFP) a porté plainte contre X mardi à Paris, accusant de harcèlement moral et d'extorsion des clubs qui mettent délibérément à l'écart certains joueurs dans des "lofts", ont annoncé les avocats du syndicat.

According to this complaint consulted by AFP, these clubs impose on players "brutal isolation and multiple pressures" to push them to extend their contract or, on the contrary, to accept a transfer – a way of separating from them while ensuring that they receive compensation.

The union accuses the international federation (Fifa) in particular of participating in this "extortion" by imposing "a framework" which places the employing club "in a dominant position".

Criminal offenses according to UNFP lawyers

A player is linked to his club by a fixed-term contract. If he is transferred before its end, the club receives termination compensation from the player's new club, which is not the case if the player completed his contract before changing.< /p>

During the transfer period, some clubs place the players they want to part with in a so-called "loft" reserve, a sort of storage space suitable for grass: no more training with the professional group, no more travel or matches…

The club "prevents" the player to exercise "his professional activity under normal conditions", and this player can therefore no longer "consider executing his contract until his term", summarizes the complaint.

The player who wants to return to the competition will therefore leave the club or, conversely, extend his contract.

These practices, "very widespread" constitute "criminal offences", said UNFP lawyers, Julia Minkowski and Léon del Forno, in a press release sent to AFP.

SOCCER. “Brutal isolation and multiple pressures”: a union files a complaint to denounce abusive practices within clubs

Stéphane Ruffier, who won his case against AS Saint-Etienne. MAXPPP – NICOLAS GOISQUE

Exercising "moral constraint" to get a person "to agree to sign a contract or to terminate it constitutes the offense of extortion", they detailed.

"The repeated actions of an employer" which result in a "deterioration of working conditions likely to infringe the employee's rights or compromise his professional future" constitute harassment, they continue.

"Rare" are the players who attacked their clubs

The UNFP supports its complaint with a list of around fifty players placed in loft but who were not associated with the preparation of this complaint.

Among them, world champion Kylian Mbappé at Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), who notably did not play a match with his club from June 19 to August 19, 2023.

"Rare" however, are the players who attacked their clubs for fear of "retaliation", deplores the union.

Among these exceptions is former international goalkeeper Stéphane Ruffier. Coincidence of the calendar: the latter obtained on Monday the conviction of AS Saint-Etienne, who must pay him 850,000 euros in compensation.

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