“Son & Sabor”, a new 100% Brazilian evening, this Thursday at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier

"Son & Sabor", a new 100% Brazilian evening, this Thursday at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier

"Son & Sabor", a new 100% Brazilian evening, this Thursday at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier

After the events organized this summer, a new 100% Brazilian evening at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier. – F. A.

Brazilian music and cuisine, introduction to samba: this Thursday, September 26, starting at 7 p.m., the Halle Tropisme is hosting a new evening “Son & Sabor”. Among the guests, Wallace Negao, a singer and cavaquinist from Rio de Janeiro.

After the success of the events scheduled during the summer, a new evening “Son & Sabor”, 100% Brazilian, will take place this Thursday, September 26th from 7 p.m. at the Halle Tropisme, in Montpellier. An immersive experience in the country's music and cuisine, with free admission.

Sing and dance to samba classics

On the program, from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., introduction to samba. Then, until 10:30 p.m., roda de samba (musicians in a circle around a table, surrounded by the audience) with the participation of singer and cavaquinist Wallace Negao. The artist from Rio de Janeiro will be surrounded by Mestre Sorriso and Samba de Bençao. The opportunity to sing and dance to great classics of the samba style.

Then, from 10:30 p.m. to midnight, “baile funk” hosted by Do Braaasil Officiel, on the most famous Brazilian funk tracks.

The catering, meanwhile, is still provided by Brasiloca. On the menu, churrasco (meat grilled over a wood fire), tapas and Brazilian beers.

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