Sophie Pantel, former president of the Lozère department: “I will be their worst nightmare”
|Sophie Pantel, ancienne présidente du Département : “J’attends de voir la fin du film dans quatre ans.” Midi Libre – Célian Guignard
La députée ne digère pas l’élection de Laurent Suau à la tête du Département, alors que la précédente majorité avait désigné Jean-Louis Brun comme candidat.
Do you regret, after what just happened, having presented yourself for the deputation ?
No. It's not up to me to have regrets. The traitor is Laurent Suau.
But he's not the only one…
Others call themselves left-wing, like the first secretary of the Socialist Party or senator Guylène Pantel… Their vote and the agreement with the right is surprising. Their voters will have to remember that. I will not forget what happened and I will remain in the opposition. I will be their worst nightmare because I know everything by heart. I can already see that after ten years, they don't know the rules!
Are you worried about the years to come ?
I am very, very worried. The budget is going to be a disaster. You only have to look at the ones he is currently managing. There is also the issue of human resources. We will be very attentive to the staffing tables. In addition, I have always been careful to ensure that there is a balance between the territories. There too, we will see… He inherits a small Rolls-Royce. For ten years, we have written all the public policies, the files are launched. Everything is ready. We have a good budget. I'm waiting to see the end of the film in four years.
How do you judge the strategy of the right ?
It has been lying in wait for a long time, like Laurent Suau. Its members had an opportunity, they seized it. I think they will be disappointed too.
Before the screening, did you feel the wind changing ?
I had been put on alert. But I said to myself: “No, really, it's not possible, when you've spoken in the press, when you've sent emails, to be so whoreish…" Well yes! This morning, I saw the right-wing group arrive in full. Mr. Suau's little friends were very evasive. I felt they were preparing one, but I thought Laurent Suau would withdraw in the second round, bringing out the shopping list, saying I want this, I want that.
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