Stéphane Plaza accused of domestic violence: the trial is coming, we take stock of the case

Since September 2023, Stéphane Plaza has been accused of physical and verbal violence by three of his former partners. Two have filed complaints. The host's trial will begin in the coming days.

Since the fall of 2023, “the French people's favorite host” has been accused by three former partners of physical and verbal violence, threats and humiliation, according to an investigation by Médiapart, published on September 21.

Targeted by two complaints, Stéphane Plaza is due to be tried soon for domestic violence.

What is the host accused ?

Three former partners accuse the real estate agent and two of them have filed a complaint against him.

The first claims to have been the target of physical violence several times by Stéphane Plaza, who in a fit of anger after learning that she had mentioned her relationship with the host to another woman, allegedly broke her finger.

“He then grabbed my hand by the fingers and twisted them violently. I screamed in pain. Three of my fingers were hanging down, they quickly became purple and swollen", she explained to Médiapart.

The second says she suffered several humiliations, which she describes as moral harassment, and recounts having been threatened: "He was sometimes very aggressive, he told me that if he saw me with someone, he would kill me".

Finally the third, was threatened by the host with a fork right in the middle from a Parisian restaurant, after telling her partner that she knew he was cheating on her: “He went crazy, he lost it. He raised his fork in my direction and started threatening me,” she explained.

What does Stéphane Plaza say ?

Placed in police custody in March  2024, Stéphane Plaza maintained, as he has asserted since the start of the affair, that he had never been ;author of the domestic violence of which he is accused. According to him, he is the target of a cabal on the part of these three women who could not bear the breakup. He notably affirmed that the injuries reported by one of the complainants were "accidental". He justified himself by saying that she had blocked his way during an argument and that he had grabbed her hand to free himself.

Certain SMS messages exchanged with the complainants and studied by investigators put him in difficulty, as when he wrote“What am I going to do next time ? I'll box you ?” or again “How I waited 51 years to be violent ?”.

As soon as the Médiapart investigation was published, his lawyers denounced extrapolated and false allegations and accusations “fanciful”, mentioning that the host had filed a complaint against these three women in June, before the affair came to light.

What does he risk ?

Two investigations have been conducted internally by M6 and Médiawan but "no evidence that would justify a sanction against Stéphane Plaza".

Placed under judicial supervision since March, the host will be tried on August 28 for “habitual violence” by the criminal court.”This term, less specific than the term “domestic violence” is used to describe acts of violence that occur regularly or repeatedly in different contexts (not necessarily limited to intimate relationships).

The facilitator risks up to five or ten years of imprisonment with a fine that can range from 75,000 to 150,000 euros.

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