Strike on the Tango network in Nîmes: towards an end to the crisis after a meeting between the Agglo and the inter-union ?
|La grève dans les transports en commun du réseau Tango pourrait être levée à partir de mercredi. MIKAËL ANISSET
Ce lundi 15 janvier, en toute discrétion, le président de Nîmes Métropole Franck Proust, a rencontré les représentants de l'intersyndicale en grève. Ils demandent un engagement écrit sur le pacte social. Les réponses apportées pourraient entraîner une sortie de crise.
This Tuesday, January 16, at the end of the day, employees of the public transport operator Transdev will vote whether or not to suspend their strike action. They could decide the end of the crisis which impacts the urban lines of Nîmes….
Since Monday, January 15, the date of the two-hour walkouts in the morning and late afternoon, relations between the Agglo Nîmes Métropole and the inter-union have warmed up a little. Indeed, the employees responded favorably to an invitation from the president of the Agglo Franck Proust and his chief of staff Bernard Baumelou.
A fruitful two-hour meeting this Monday afternoon which allowed us to move forward on the various issues. The inter-union (SNTU-CFDT, CGT, CFC-CGC) returned to this meeting this Tuesday.
She is being cautious for the moment: "Although verbal commitments have been made to guarantee our social pact and maintain the perimeter of the' company with subcontracting limited to 50%, the inter-union considers this insufficient. In order to find a solution, we presented them with examples of similar commitments in other networks during calls for tender."< /p>
Subcontracting limited to 50%
L'intersyndicale contacted Keolis and RATPDev this Tuesday, candidates for the public service delegation renewed on July 1st. The future delegate will be known in mid-February. She asked them in writing to commit to the resumption of the company agreements in force and subcontracting limited to 50%: & ;quot;Nîmes Métropole has never seen any obstacle to candidates committing to these guarantees."
If the candidates respond favorably, employees could vote at the end of the day for the suspension of walkouts from Wednesday January 17.