Taste Week, fun and cultural offerings until Sunday in the Hérault Valley
|“Radishes, they don't count for butter!”, musical show for children, Sunday October 20, at the Sonambule. DR
Un stand de dégustation qui fait appel aux cinq sens à la médiathèque de Gignac. DR
Jusqu’au dimanche 20 octobre, plusieurs propositions ludiques et culturelles, sur tout le territoire, pour comprendre ce que l’on consomme.
Backed by the Alimenterre festival, an international event on food, Taste Week begins today. The goal is to understand the challenges of sustainable agriculture and food through numerous meetings.
This Tuesday, October 15, from 7 p.m. at the Sonambule, screening-debate around the film Bienveillance paysanne, by Olivier Dickinson. The director pays tribute to farmers by taking examples that respect living things. During this time, children will participate in workshops on food and agricultural sectors. The evening will conclude with a “zero waste, local and seasonal” meal. (Reservation required, 10 euros).
Cooking workshop and sensory challenges
Wednesday, October 16, from 4 p.m., “Cuistots loco”, a cooking workshop for parents and children at the Gignac media library (free, reservation required). Friday, October 18, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., also at the media library, conference by Dominique Paturel on “Social security for food: a realistic path for the future” ?. A researcher and activist at the Food Democracy collective, she will discuss this political proposal which is based, among other things, on universal access to healthy and sustainable food as well as financing through social contributions and the allocation of a monthly allowance of 150 euros per inhabitant.
The meeting will continue in the Jeu-de-ballon parking lot with a pizza party. Everyone brings their ingredients to cook in the Terre contact association's pizza oven.
A children's show to close
Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the media library, a stand on sensory challenges will be set up. A tasting that appeals to the five senses, but also to discover the origins of food, the different parts of plants that humans eat.
The closing will be on Sunday October 20 at the Sonambule with the musical show for children: “Radishes, that doesn't count for butter!” (at 4:30 p.m., 10 euros per adult and 3 euros per child, by reservation). During the week, farm visits (market gardening and arboriculture, goat breeding) are also on the menu.
Finally, it is also the 7th edition of the Automnales dans les Boutiques paysannes, which also offer activities around producers.
Information and reservations: demainlaterre.fr
The Semaine du goût is coordinated by the association Demain la Terre!, the City of Gignac, the Cultural Office of the Hérault Valley, the Pays Cœur d'Hérault and its territorial food plan (PAT) and Radio Pays d’Hérault.
7th edition of the Automnales: boutiquespaysannes.fr.