Teacher overtime: why the government finally decided to backtrack ?

Teacher overtime: why the government finally decided to backtrack ?

Le gouvernement fait machine arrière après l'annonce de la suspension des heures supplémentaires des enseignants. (illustration) MAXPPP – Thomas Padilla

Ce mercredi 1er mai 2024, l’exécutif revient en arrière après avoir annoncé en début de semaine la suppression d’une partie des heures supplémentaires des professeurs.

A noticed backpedaling. At the end of April, the Ministry of National Education announced a new measure, but this Wednesday, it was finally canceled, reports the Huffington Post. Its aim was to eliminate part of teachers' overtime relating to particular missions.


What was the objective of this temporary suspension of access to the overtime payment software announced at the beginning of the week? Mainly, to make & ;nbsp;"adjustments" at the end of the school year and thus save nearly 100 million – out of the 683 – euros as part of the plan of 10 billion euros in cancellation of credits for this year.

The overtime hours targeted concern teachers who provide refresher courses during holidays, support or preparation for exams, short-term replacements or even extra work. rsquo;homework help in college.

Change from this Thursday

Such a measure was not appreciated by teachers and unions, who did not hide their anger while many students were preparing for the baccalaureate or college certificate exams , the Ministry of Education has decided to backtrack.

Faced with this anger, "The Prime Minister and the Minister of National Education and Youth hoped that educational establishments would continue to have access to means to carry out their missions", as noted Le Monde. Thus, from this Thursday, "the academies will recover the budgetary resources initially notified in order to continue the allocation of overtime in establishments", said Nicole Belloubet.

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