Teachers at Krafft college in Béziers angry at non-replacement of staff

Teachers at Krafft college in Béziers angry at non-replacement of staff

Krafft teachers assure us: “The non-replacement of staff is a problem faced by all establishments, in Béziers and elsewhere”. Antonia Jimenez – Midi Libre

The SGEN-CFDT, Snes-FSU, CGT, Sud Éducation and Snalc union sections of the Krafft college in La Devèze, in Béziers and the Parents' Association wish "the establishment of& #39;a genuine replacement service.

Corinne Chayé, teacher in charge of a Ulis class (a system taking care of children with disabilities) at Krafft college, in La Devèze, in Béziers, representing the SGEN-CFDT union, has only just have the cast removed from one of his legs. She had a month’s break, extended by two months. "However, not being replaced, I went to see the surgeon who authorized me to return to work fifteen days before the scheduled date. For my 15 students, all this time without being replaced, c’is unacceptable! And it’s not for lack of asking the rectorate!"

You should know that the teacher is responsible for the 6th and 5th grades six and a half hours per week, 3 hours for the 4th grade and 2 hours for the 3rd grade. The rest of the time, his students are integrated into normal classes "normal", helped by a "accompanist  of a student with a disability (AESH).

Vanessa Jalabert, mother of Maëlya, in 6th grade, Ulis, from the Parents' Association, joins the protest movement (just like three other unions, CGT, Sud Education and Snalc): "My daughter, who has a disability, was deprived of the Ulis support she needs, a total of 8 hours between the teacher and the assistant (AESH). During these hours, Ulis students had the choice between going to study or returning home. We parents had to go get them. It's not easy to go back and forth, especially for those, like us, who don't live in Béziers. This situation made him lose his bearings, further accentuating his difficulties. She quickly became demobilized in the face of the work imposed by the new pace…" The parents sent a letter on March 22 to the rectorate, "remained unanswered".

Anger of unions and parents

Sébastien Riberprey, history-geography teacher, from Snes-FSU, still doesn't lose his temper. "I’took paternity leave of three weeks planned for a long time : no replacement even though I’ have two 3rd year classes taking the Brevet end of year!"

The angry words are the same from three other unions which join forces with their colleagues. "And non-replacement does not only concern teachers. Since the start of the school year in September, the social worker has only been replaced for a few weeks, at the end of 2023. And that's it."

"Moreover, since January, two English teachers have not been or are not replaced (for absences of 3 and 4 weeks), a PE teacher (3 weeks), a history-geography teacher (4 weeks), a music education teacher (3 weeks) a math teacher (3 weeks) , a Ulis coordinating teacher (three months), an AESH (4 months)", explains Corinne Chayé. And Sébastien Riberprey adds: "This situation in no way corresponds to the declarations of the Ministry of Education which prides itself on having responded to the problems of replacements by putting in place pacts."

Replacement pacts not renewed

It is true that at the start of the September school year, National Education put in place, for a replacement of 15-day months, a system, internally, of &quot ;teacher pact". On a voluntary basis, a volunteer teacher can sign an envelope of 18 hours per pact to replace an absent colleague. "But he will dispense his discipline. Which doesn't make sense. Let me explain: a math teacher who replaces a French teacher will not give French lessons but math. Thus, students will not make up for lost hours of French."

There is also the system of Replacement Zone Holders (TZR), most often certified teachers who do not have a fixed position, whose job consists of replacing their absent colleagues. "But these are only called in the case of a stoppage of more than 15 days". In any case, there are none at Krafft, and no TZR has intervened at the college since the start of the school year.

Beaded or not beaded, absences are not replaced

Contacted by Midi Libre for explanations for these non-replacements of staff, the rectorate of the academy from Montpellier responds : "Particular attention is paid to the Krafft college which records, in fact, several absences, most of which are "pearl" (several short absences which follow one another, interspersed with returns, Editor's note ). This means that, during the incompressible time of searching for and assigning a replacement, the’ rsquo;absent teacher has, in the meantime, returned to work." And to salute "the commitment of teachers to ensure continuity of service", referring& nbsp;to the pacts.

To which Corinne Chayé responds: "But all the absences that we noted, including mine for three months, paternity or maternity, etc., are not “pearlful”. This argument makes no sense." And, the last piece of information which will not help matters, the unions claim that teachers can no longer sign (replacement) pact since April 5. "We learned about it at the start of Easter, Monday, April 22!"< /p> I subscribe to read more

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