Ten months of imprisonment for the individual who outraged the firefighters in Pont-Saint-Esprit

Ten months of imprisonment for the individual who outraged the firefighters in Pont-Saint-Esprit

Les pompiers avaient été pris à partie alors qu'ils portaient assistance à une victime. MIDI LIBRE – GIACOMO ITALIANO

On Thursday, September 8, 2022, around 3:30 a.m., a crew of three firefighters from the Pont-Saint-Esprit Rescue Center on intervention were outraged and threatened by an individual
present on site, thus making it more difficult to care for the victim on the track

The events occurred on September 8, 2022 around 3:30 a.m. A crew of three firefighters from the Pont-Saint-Esprit Rescue Center had been attacked by an individual. The three firefighters intervened to assist a victim on the public highway. On Friday January 26, 2024, the perpetrator was found guilty of contempt, threats and violence. The individual was sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment, suspended for a period of two years, with an obligation to work and receive treatment. The civil party constitutions of the firefighters and Sdis 30 were declared admissible and made it possible to obtain damages and interest.

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