Terrible accident at the stadium, mayor detained, large seizure of cocaine: the main news in the region

Terrible accident at the stadium, mayor detained, large seizure of cocaine: the main news in the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Nine injured at the stadium: an investigation is open

#MENDE. A spectator, Chanac supporter, had her hand torn off this Thursday evening during the Lozère Cup football final after the explosion of a confetti cannon . Eight other people were injured and sixteen were left shocked or disoriented.

An investigation was opened into unintentional injuries and the introduction of fireworks into a sports venue. "I think especially of the victim, very invested in his club, and of the other injured. The president of the Chanac club told me that the Mende hospital had installed a psychological cell. He too is stunned, devastated, like the players, reacted the president of the Lozère Departmental Football Association (ADFL), Giovanni Perri.

Horn blows in the stomach

#GARD. During the Camargue race counting for the Trophée des As, organized this Thursday in Vauvert, a spectator who was on the back track was unable to hang on when the bull Montego jumped after the bull Joachim Cadenas . He was lifted twice, the bull causing him two horn blows in the stomach, one of which was very serious.

The race was stopped for around thirty minutes to allow first aid from the doctor on duty, then for the firefighters to evacuate the victim to the hospital. His vital prognosis would not be compromised.

The mayor of Barcarès remains in prison

#PYRÉNÉES-ORIENTALES. The decision fell this Friday at the beginning of the afternoon for the mayor of Barcarès, announced The Independent. The investigating chamber of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, which examined his appeal that same morning, decided to keep him in detention. Alain Ferrand therefore remains in the Aix-Luynes penitentiary center where he has been imprisoned since April 30.

Targeted by a new investigation into the management of public contracts relating to the Christmas village between 2012 and 2024, the elected official was arrested on Sunday April 28 at the airport of Montpellier getting off the plane returning from Congo-Brazzaville. His lawyer, Jean-Robert Nguyen-Phung, strongly contested his incarceration in the face of requests from the public prosecutor's office, which requested that this measure be maintained. Requisitions followed by the court. Mr. Nguyen-Phung announced that he would file a new request for release within a fortnight.

He was transporting 52kg of cocaine

#HERAULT. A transporter coming from Malaga in Spain was stopped at the Loupian motorway area in southwest of Montpellier, with on board, 52 kg of cocaine seized in the vehicle's tractor.

The 35-ton vehicle was carrying peaches and cherries and was heading towards Italy. The packages of drugs were found near the tractor by Customs. The driver, a 57-year-old Spaniard, was presented this Friday before the judicial court with a view to being tried. The man, already worried several times in similar cases in his country, asked for more time to prepare his defense. He was placed under arrest warrant and will appear in court on July 19.

The number of the day: 12 000

#LOZÈRE. The twelfth edition of the Médiévales du Malzieu is in full swing this weekend. No less than 12,000 participants are expected.

An unmissable appointment  » this Saturday from 10 a.m.: the grand official opening parade, where troops, people from the camps, fighters, dancers and musicians, jugglers and actors parade… and the public!

The medieval festival will continue on Sunday with many more activities.

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