The Arc-en-Ciel farm or the art of introducing spirulina

The Arc-en-Ciel farm or the art of introducing spirulina

Test to measure the concentration of spirulina in the ponds of the Arc-en-Ciel farm. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

The Arc-en-Ciel farm or the art of introducing spirulina

Séchage en cours de la spiruline sur les claies à la ferme Arc-en-Ciel. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Installée depuis 2013 dans le Gard, l'établissement de Saint-Christol produit un aliment aux multiples vertus.

On Tuesday morning, the arrival at the Arc-en-Ciel spirulina farm in Saint-Christol-lez-Alès is accompanied by the song of cicadas. The heat under the two greenhouses that protect the four production basins can already be felt early in the morning.

Originally from Drôme, Emilie Rousselou and Franck Lépinay took the step of reconversion in 2013 and settled in Alès to open a “peasant spirulina production farm". The desire to become owners then led them to move their facilities. After four years of studies and obtaining authorizations, the former tennis courts of Saint-Christol-lez-Alès officially became in 2021, a place of production of these aquatic microorganisms a little special, because they are endowed with photosynthesis, and also called "blue algae". "Naturally, spirulina grows in brackish water lakes in hot countries, says the producer. In France, it can be found in summer in Camargue". It is the size of a hair" and is spiral-shaped, hence its name spirulina".

Recognized nutritional and culinary qualities

Franck Lépinay manages the farm on a daily basis, which involves managing the ponds, selling and harvesting, which takes place "every two days between the months of April and October". We start between five and six in the morning and generally continue until noon.” Three steps are then necessary: ​​filtration which allows “to obtain a paste with the texture of a green yogurt“, pressing which results in a “more compact product”a bit like modeling clay” and which will be “shaped into spaghetti“, and the drying of these homemade noodles, previously installed on racks. Oven temperature " at 42 degrees to keep all the nutritional values ​​of spirulina". The farmer specifies that spirulina "has three virtues: richness in nutritional elements such as trace elements, phosphorus and especially assimilable iron. It is also an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system thanks to a blue pigment called phycocyanin". Spirulina is then sold in the form of flakes, powder or tablets. "We sell to Terres de cuisine, who prepare meals for canteens in Alès. They put some in cakes. Chef Sébastien Rath, who has the restaurant Le Saint-Hilaire in Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas, is also a client."

The farm also plays the discovery and awareness card with the possibility for individuals, schools and groups to visit the farm. "It’s a real motivation and a pleasure for me to make these visits. And the setting in the middle of nature with parking lends itself well". For two years, the farm has also been labeled Committed Ecotourism, a label developed by Cévennes tourisme and which aims in particular to bring together stakeholders around common values ​​such as kindness, respect for the environment and attachment to the territory.

Find out more:

La Ferme Arc-en-Ciel offers visits for individuals every Tuesday and Thursday between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. or by appointment. It also welcomes groups (for associations or others) and school classes.

She also supervises interns and is part of the woofing network.

Sale of products directly on the farm, in partner stores in Alès (pharmacies, organic stores, supermarkets, Abbey halls) and on the internet.< /p>

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