The association Lire et faire lire wants to write a new chapter for Millau children this back to school
|L’association Lire et faire lire cherche des bénévoles sur Millau et les environs pour cette rentrée de septembre. D.R
L’association nationale, présente dans une cinquantaine de départements, dont l’Aveyron, œuvre au développement de la lecture et à la bonne appréciation de l’objet livres auprès des enfants. Mais, sur Millau, il manque des bénévoles…
It's a story that has been going on for over 20 years in Aveyron in general and in Millau in particular. The national association Lire et faire lire intervenes, via its network of volunteers, with the youngest for reading programs. A very educational approach brought to life by the writer Alexandre Jardin and Pascal Guénée, former President of the Civic Relay, who created the association in 1999.
Since then, “volunteers over fifty go to schools, leisure centers,” summarizes Gisèle Fizes, a volunteer from Millau. We work with children aged 3 to primary school in Millau. Including in Beauregard with autistic children. We are also present in the IME (medical-educational institutes)." Gisèle Fizes, herself a former teacher – “I was stationed in Montauban” – particularly insists on “the pleasure of reading.”
Giving children a taste for words and books
“We volunteers, read and the children learn to listen, to concentrate. It is very educational. We also teach them to respect the book object, to turn the pages. For the youngest, the sessions last about ten minutes. Much longer regularly.” The volunteer reader from Millau also tells the story of "the awakening to reading of primary school pupils who, through the approach of books, discover an interest." A charter, developed as part of the program, defines the role and commitments of volunteer readers and educational structures.
A stand at the associations forum
Present, this Saturday, September 7, on a stand at the associations forum scheduled from 9:30 a.m. in the alleys of the Parc de la Victoire (retreat to the village hall in case of unpredictable weather), the Millau branch of Lire et faire lire is looking to recruit new volunteers. “There are six of us at the moment, specifies Gisèle Fizes. It would be nice to be at least twelve… or even more !"