The astonishing promise of Yann Barthès who announces that he will no longer invite politicians on Quotidien and will bring François Hollande
|François Hollande était l’invité de Quotidien ce 4 septembre. Capture d'écran Twitter
Yann Barthès, had announced when he returned to the show that he would no longer invite political figures on Quotidien. But this Wednesday, September 4, 2024, François Hollande was the guest on the show.
In an interview with La Tribune du Dimanche last weekend, Yann Barthès announced that he would no longer invite political figures onto the show's setQuotidien.
“We prefer to decipher politicians without them”
A decision that the presenter justified: “Politicians have become inaudible and are rolling out their talking points on every set. I have in mind the interview I did this season with Manon Aubry. She started a sentence and I was able to finish it, because I had been listening to her for a week. “We prefer to decipher them without them,” he said.
But surprisingly, this Tuesday, September 4, François Hollande was the guest on the show: “The former President of the Republic and MP for Corrèze is on Quotidien tonight!” announced Yann Barthès.
The journalist nevertheless wanted to make a small clarification about his presence: “I said in an interview that we would no longer receive politicians except in exceptional circumstances”.
Candidate in 2027 ?
And the exception, according to Yann Barthès “is for example the release of a major book, the status of former head of state or former prime minister or a rare major figure in the media”.
À propos de Macron
Aphatie : « C’est un privilège de le voir. »
Hollande : « Je ne sais pas si c’est un privilège. »On peut reprocher plein de choses à Flamby, mais niveau langue de pute, c’est le meilleur. 🤣 #Quotidien
— Kunta van den Kinté (@denkinte_2) September 4, 2024
Which was the case of François Hollande, invited to promote his book “The challenge of governing” published on September 5. Which did not fail to make viewers react.
le clown Yann barthes qui ne recevra plus d'invités politiques …. à part François Hollande #quotidien
— Ulyss (@achabus) September 4, 2024
Dimanche 1er septembre : "Nous allons arrêter de recevoir des politiques. Ils sont devenus inaudibles et déroulent leurs éléments de langage sur tous les plateaux".
72 heures plus tard… François Hollande est "l'invité exceptionnel" de #Quotidien.
Je suis en fou rire depuis…
— Clément Garin (@clem_garin) September 4, 2024
The former president was questioned in particular about the political crisis in France and in particular about a possible candidacy for 2027. If he does not consider it at this time, he replied with humor: “If I am alive, yes, it is possible!”.