The Capouchiné college mini-company is not experiencing the crisis in Nîmes

The Capouchiné college mini-company is not experiencing the crisis in Nîmes

Les élèves de Capouchiné et leur fameux biochar. ALISSANDRE ALLEMAND – Alissandre Allemand

There are 17 students who collaborate with enthusiasm in the Capouchiné college mini-company on sustainable development and ecology. A mine of discovery and exciting learning. Meeting.  

A collaborative mini-company that fights for ecology and sustainable development based in a college. Strange ? Not in the least for these twenty students from the Capouchiné college, in Nîmes, where for six years the concept has been emulated and seduced by college students of all ages.

Eliot and his brown curls, for example, have been taking part in the option since he entered sixth grade. " I have always been part of the mini-company. I think it’s great. We learn a lot about life in a business and that gives us an opening, notes this student, today in third grade. < /p>

Useful knowledge

Same enthusiasm from Quentin, also 14 years old. "It's really a plus for orientation, I think. We discovered the different professions in a company, human resources, accounting, etc., but above all we acquired a lot of knowledge about sustainable development. 

Because ecology is one of the central values ​​of this micro-enterprise, and has been since the beginning. Moreover, all the college students who collaborate there took part this year in the Cned BABA climate training. "This allowed them to obtain a super badge for the mini-company. A sort of label which recognizes this training as a diploma and which can appear on their CV., explains William Ajenjo, SVT professor at the college and one of the three supervisors of the mini-company option .

Full-fledged collaborators

The young people are all full collaborators who make decisions together during a meeting at the start of the session. "The tasks to be carried out are translated into missions. Each mission is entrusted to a voluntary group, continues the teacher. "A mission requires certain skills and must be carried out according to a schedule determined together".

Among these, three were defined together for this year. Starting with the creation of a Biochar. It is a charcoal obtained by pyrolysis. It is a carbon trap which offers soil micro-organisms shelter and which improves the quality of the soil thanks in particular to water filtration. "Biochar is also cited in the IPCC report as a CO2 trapping solution in the fight against global warming. We chose to install ours in a trailer in order to serve as an educational tool in other educational establishments in particular. 

Next step for the small team: offering an advisory service and setting up composters for the residents of the neighborhood in order to help them fulfill the obligation to sort bio-waste since January 1st. We are much more aware of all these actions that affect the environment, it's great if we can help the people around us to adopt good practices."

Two kits soon on sale

The first is a biochar discovery kit. It will contain a pot, biochar, a little potting soil and a packet of seeds. The ideal gift for amateur gardeners.

The second is an aquacompost kit for recycling bio-waste in an apartment. Aquacompost is a type of worm composter that can be installed in the pot of a houseplant and allows you to compost this bio-waste while watering and feeding it. plant.
It will contain: a pot with a plant, an aquacompost with earthworms. The ideal gift for someone living in an apartment who is wondering how to recycle their bio-waste.

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