The Cévennes Aeroplume: a dreamlike journey to the center of the Earth

The Cévennes Aeroplume: a dreamlike journey to the center of the Earth

Un spectacle magnifique sous les pieds. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

L’attraction s’est installée tout l’été, au cœur de la grotte de la Salamandre, non loin de Méjannes-le-Clap, dans le nord du Gard. L’occasion de découvrir la grotte d’une tout autre façon.

While summer has well and truly set in, the hot weather is now making an appearance again. The ideal time to find a little freshness in the depths of the earth. For this, the Salamandre cave, located not far from the village of Méjannes-le-Clap, offers its public each year the opportunity to relive Jules Verne's journey through its attraction: the aéroplume.

This invention by Jean-Pierre David, of the aerosculptor association, now rests underground, making "unique" the flight experience. To simplify, Jérôme Giunta, site coordinator, describes the attraction this way: "It’is a human-powered flying machine.  Once inside, it's like a dream.

The Cévennes Aeroplume: a dreamlike journey to the center of the Earth

A unique and exceptional cavity. Midi Free – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Before we can begin this journey tinged with daydreams, the guides take us to the takeoff site located in the middle of the extraordinary cavity. No worries: the platform created for the occasion does not obstruct the passage for visitors.

Arriving there, the guide prepares the airship which will take his traveler through the cave. Mathéo Larguier, one of the site's seasonal workers, was trained for 5 days before being able to do “this unique job. It's a crazy and very rewarding experience. I started practicing guiding alone a few days ago and people are very satisfied”.

The Cévennes Aeroplume: a dreamlike journey to the center of the Earth

“Customers are satisfied.” Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Once in the air or at least underground, the aeropilot feels transported like a bird above the clouds. “No need to force too much”, the guide below will shout at you, while explaining the basic movements. Then follows a long parade among the stalagmites and stalactites that are several million years old.

“Some people are a little scared, it's our role to reassure them”, assures Mathéo Larguier. Indeed, there is no need to worry. The balloon is not likely to escape into the confines of the cavity, the latter is connected to the guide by a rope. Guided by the beating of wings, like a bird, you will feel yourself flying through the cave.

The Cévennes Aeroplume: a dreamlike journey to the center of the Earth

Mathéo Larguier guides the aeroplume with the rope. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

A calm and soothing cruise that will allow you to gain height and display a new vision of this timeless place. If luck smiles on you, you may have the opportunity to attend the show Rébellion at the time of your trip. The opportunity to get out of reality a little more by being lulled by the visual and sound game.

After 20 minutes of escape, you have to come back to earth. The landing is also gentle, before continuing with the visit of the cave. The end of the adventure rhymes with daylight. Indeed, you will have to wait until you leave the cave to come out of this waking dream.

On the program this summer


Throughout the summer, the Salamandre cave will host many concerts. Every Tuesday evening from 8 p.m., 30 minutes of concert are organized in the unique setting of the cave before proceeding to a meal break and then enjoying another concert from 9:30 p.m. on the terrace.


Every Thursday evening at 7 p.m., the Salamandre cave invites you to take part in a sound and light show in the heart of the cave lasting 45 minutes. The opportunity to immerse yourself in the 7th art through 8 film soundtracks and the illumination of this universe. A real journey.

The price for the 20 minutes of flight and the visit is 84.90 euros. More information on I subscribe to read the rest

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