The city of Mende has acquired an electric sweeper to clean public spaces more efficiently

The city of Mende has acquired an electric sweeper to clean public spaces more efficiently

La balayeuse électrique, un engin tourné vers l’écologie. DR

La municipalité a fait l’acquisition d’une première balayeuse 100 % électrique, écologique et économique.

The city of Mende acquires its first 100% electric sweeper. After 25 years of service, the thermal road washer is replaced. “The choice of this type of machine is the result of a reflection work carried out in consultation with the field agents” explains Thierry Jacques, councilor delegated to the living environment and cleanliness in the city of Mende. The objective is to facilitate municipal work, while promoting environmental development by using less polluting tools. The elected official, while emphasizing the quality work carried out by the community agents, regrets the incivility committed by throwing rubbish or the lack of collection of dog droppings. He calls for everyone to be aware, in order to respect the work of the agents on the ground and maintain a quality of life and a well-maintained city. Awareness and information work is carried out among users.

The qualities of all-electric

The investment in an electric urban sweeper is profitable thanks to reduced energy consumption and lower maintenance costs than a thermal engine. “There is no oil change or lubrication to be carried out. In addition, there is little downtime of the machine during maintenance and practically no maintenance waste. This therefore results in a reduction in costs”, underlines the manager.  Water consumption for the use of this tool also decreases, with brushes to clean the floor and bring the waste back to the vacuum cleaner and humidifiers that allow the road to be wet to avoid dust. The design is very compact, allowing the machine to navigate in public spaces with a reduced noise impact. The machine does not emit CO2 or dust, thanks to a unique filtration system.

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