The Échappées belles cameras in Montpellier: from the Écusson to the Cévennes and the Petite Camargue, Jérôme Pitorin shares his favorites

The famous France 5 show made a stopover this week in Montpellier. From the Hôtel Richer de Belleval to the Arbre blanc, from the Marché du Lez to the Arc de Triomphe, we also stroll outside the walls towards the Cévennes, the Thau lagoon and the Petite Camargue.

The famous show hadn't set up its cameras in Montpellier for about ten years. Accompanied by his film crew, the presenter Jérôme Pitorin enjoyed (re)discovering its timeless beauty as well as the new must-see places. “It's a cosmopolitan city that's happening and where life is good. There are lots of activities, you can feel the current dynamic with work everywhere…” From the Hôtel Richer de Belleval to the Arbre Blanc, from the Arc de Triomphe to the Lez market, “everything caught my attention” he assures us. The show is structured around a program “as if we were spending a four-day weekend”.

The chic of the Hôtel Richer de Belleval

The metamorphosis of the former Hôtel de Ville, Place de la Canourgue, into a luxurious Relais et Château and temple of gastronomy particularly appealed to him: “The restoration is incredible with this contemporary pep given to the old stones, it works very well.” Needless to say, the Michelin-starred restaurant of the Pourcel brothers won him over. The cameras then follow blogger Jeanne Bellaiche, “a lover of her city", in the alleys of the Écusson to discover the new shops before enjoying the 360° panorama from the top of the Arbre blanc and the festive atmosphere of the Marché du Lez.

Outside the walls of the Etang de l'Or at Maguelone Cathedral

The Parisian film crew also went outside the city limits. Kayak trip on the Etang de l'Or, detour to visit two oyster farmers in Loupian, caving trip in the Cévennes, horseback ride with the guardians of the Puig manade… So many places conducive to meeting local people that Jérôme Pitorin, enthusiastic, seems to have particularly appreciated. He is convinced of it: “We show things and people that even the people of Hérault have never seen.” They will appreciate it, as will the 3 million cumulative viewers of the show. Broadcast mid-October, Saturday at 8:50 p.m., on France 5.

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