The end of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees at the former Violettes de Montpellier nursing home

The end of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees at the former Violettes de Montpellier nursing home

The end of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees at the former Violettes de Montpellier nursing home

L'ancienne maison de retraite va fermer ses portes fin mars. Midi Libre – G. T.

The former establishment for the elderly has welcomed 80 residents for almost a year. A rehousing plan is being developed while the dilapidated site is up for sale.

The former Violettes nursing home, avenue de Lodève, should no longer welcome Ukrainian refugees in a few weeks. "We have not given ourselves any date but in April we will be out" confirms Malik Berkani, the regional manager of the Red Cross who manages this temporary accommodation, under the authority of the prefecture.

Poorly insulated, poorly equipped for daily life with the family, the establishment requisitioned since October 2021 has been put up for sale by its owner, Languedoc-Mutualité Aésio santé (1) and will probably be destroyed.  

Requisitioned by the prefecture in 2021

"The issue of selling had existed for years. But it’s first of all a very dilapidated building, which no longer meets standards" continues Malik Berkani.
The Violettes residence had previously been used to shelter the occupants of several Roma camps, Nina-Simone and Pablo-Picasso, while lasting rehousing solutions were found. 126 people then found refuge in this former retirement home, closed at the end of 2020.

Reopened in the fall of 2022, considered a level 1 emergency accommodation center with 170 places, it has been welcoming Ukrainian refugees since they were forced to leave the holiday centers where they had initially been installed. Others arrived from Assas at the end of last summer, making a total of around 80 occupants. 

Relocated to hotel apartments for some

With state services, the Red Cross is now working on rehousing solutions with families, favoring sustainable solutions. "Displaced people from Ukraine still present on site will be transferred to diffuse apartments in the private rental park in Montpellier, in shared accommodation, accompanied by the Red Cross and supported by the State&quot ; specifies the prefecture. "We try to diversify the care of families by directing them towards housing of their own. But in the city of Montpellier it’s complicated. We have a territorial problem" observes Malik Berkani who nevertheless strives to address residents' concerns.
State services specify that refugees "in employment and with stable resources will be transferred to hotel apartments already discussed by the State with the Appart’City hotel residence . " A new page in the life of exile of these families forced to flee their countries almost two years ago.

(1) When requested, the mutualist group does not wish to make further comments on the matter. I subscribe to read more

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