The end of life: a bill to come… and a debate this Friday in the Pétrarque room in Montpellier

The end of life: a bill to come… and a debate this Friday in the Pétrarque room in Montpellier

Le thème de la soirée : “Fin de vie : 120 minutes pour comprendre et débattre”. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

At the initiative of MP Laurence Cristol, a meeting on a current subject to break the taboo.

The end of life: a bill to come… and a debate this Friday in the Pétrarque room in Montpellier

MP Laurence Cristol, rapporteur of the bill on the subject and initiator of the debate. Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

The end of life. A subject that is even more taboo than it is serious. However, this Friday, Laurence Cristol, rapporteur of the bill on the subject, gathered around her, and at the microphone of Olivier Biscaye, editorial director of Midi Libre, leading officials. The Hérault MP did not fail to welcome each member of the public in the Petrarch Room who is now aware of this crucial social subject, which will be debated from Monday in the National Assembly.

The end of life: a bill to come… and a debate this Friday in the Pétrarque room in Montpellier

The audience of the Petrarch Room. 1st row: former mayor Hélène Mandroux, doctor, and senator Jean-Pierre-Grand. Free Midi – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Also read: End of life: the delicate question of assisted dying under debate in Montpellier

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