“The government talks about crisis and public debt to make us feel guilty”: nearly 300 people hit the streets of Alès

“The government talks about crisis and public debt to make us feel guilty”: nearly 300 people hit the streets of Alès

The tradition of a union parade in Alès for May 1 was respected. FREE MIDI – CHARLES LEDUC

“The government talks about crisis and public debt to make us feel guilty”: nearly 300 people hit the streets of Alès

The tradition of a union parade in Alès for May 1 was respected. FREE MIDI – CHARLES LEDUC

“The government talks about crisis and public debt to make us feel guilty”: nearly 300 people hit the streets of Alès

La tradition d'un défilé syndical, à Alès, pour le 1er mai, a été respectée. MIDI LIBRE – CHARLES LEDUC

Pour le traditionnel défilé du 1er mai, les manifestants ont défilé dans une partie du centre-ville de la capitale des Cévennes, après des discours prononcés sur la place de la mairie.

As a preamble to the essential union speeches on May 1, this Wednesday morning, on the town hall square in Alès, Martine Sagit, the general secretary of the local CGT union, remembers rsquo;a demonstration in 2010: "It reminds me of Saint-Martin-de-Valgégales, for the defense of union rights: it was raining like a cow pissing. The rain has never stopped us and will never stop us!" In front of her is a cloud of open umbrellas. "I see that you too, the rain won't stop you ; you mobilized for this May 1st." And just half an hour later, there will be nearly 300 marching in the city center , passing through the quays of Gardon and the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM), where the laying of a wreath is planned, to finally reach the sub-prefecture.

A "policy serving the richest" denounced

Before hitting the pavement, Myriam Vermale opens the speeches. The departmental co-secretary of the SNUipp-FSU recalls that this day is being held in a "context of particularly murderous wars" and that his union campaigns "for a just and lasting peace, in compliance with international law", before focusing on the national context , crowned, she says, with a "policy serving the richest" and a "precariousness gaining ground".

A policy "to the detriment of the most vulnerable"

The trade unionist calls for "to oppose budgetary austerity", as does, following him, the spokesperson for Solidaires, Philippe Alverde, who denounces "neo-liberal globalization" and France "faced with a new austerity plan". Tells him that "the government advocates a policy that is in the interest of large companies, to the detriment of the most vulnerable". And the Executive, believes Martine Sagit, "talks about crisis and public debt to make us feel guilty…"

A call to unite

The CGT teacher is categorical, this May 1st is "a day of action". To defend what has been achieved, of course, but also "for future generations", because "the workers' struggle is not over until their work force is recognized at its true value […] Employees need to come together to defend themselves."

Martine Sagit : "Yes, we have a political orientation"

As the European elections of June 9 approach, the general secretary of the UL CGT proclaims that "yes, we have a political orientation& ;nbsp;: anti-capitalist and anti-extreme right". She then puts the right and the National Rally in the same bag.

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