The Lodève rescue center is recruiting volunteer firefighters

The Lodève rescue center is recruiting volunteer firefighters

Les équipes sont prêtes à accueillir de nouvelles recrues motivées, pour rejoindre les 64 personnels dont 10 professionnels de la caserne. Midi Libre – A.M.

Tous les profils sont acceptés, à partir du moment où l'on est motivé et que l'on a envie de donner du temps pour les autres.

In order to increase its workforce, the main rescue center in Lodève is recruiting volunteer firefighters as part of a campaign carried out more widely on a national scale. #39;Hérault under the word slogan: Join us! Especially since to become firefighters, there are no profiles or particular skills,  except being over 16 years old.

No need to be a superhero

"So why not you ? " continues Lieutenant Dominique Colin, head of a center which radiates over Lodève and 14 municipalities of Lodévois which are attached to it. "We are not looking for superheroes available 24 hours a day, but motivated people, young or old, men or women who want to give a little of their time to help others".

The barracks of the small Héraultaise sub-prefecture today have 54 volunteer firefighters and ten professionals, i.e. 64 firefighters who make 1,200 interventions per year on average, of which 85% aid and relief to the person.

"We have room for ten additional volunteers in Lodève. The more of us there are, the easier it will be to organize shifts according to availability, in line with everyone's work and family life" adds Lieutenant Colin.

A commitment that makes sense

Especially since there is a big turnover among young people involved, particularly those who, for their studies or their work, leave the territory. "Becoming a firefighter can give meaning to young people, inspire vocations and allow them to participate in various interventions in the territory or in other departments&quot ;.

An agreement and benefits for employers

Five volunteer firefighters from the Lod&egraveve Main Rescue Center currently benefit from an availability agreement. signed by their employer with the SDIS 34. It allows the volunteer to train and be operational in the event of an event major and participate in center interventions during working time.

In return, the company receives compensatory allowances to compensate for absences during working hours. The employer can also benefit from a tax reduction under the tax reduction scheme. nat.

On the practical side, recruitment takes place every three months via a file completed online on the SDIS34 website or submitted to the barracks.

"The commitment is for 5 years with basic training of 30 days to be completed during the first three years" details the head of a center which has become more feminine with 11 volunteers plus a professional. "Or 20% of our workforce, more than the national average. We are demanding and there is no problem with integration into the teams."

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