The Millau Grands Causses com’com draws up its report for the year 2023

The Millau Grands Causses com’com draws up its report for the year 2023

The elected officials gave the activity report for the year 2023 with the structuring projects that have been carried out.

For some, the year 2023 is certainly already far away. In the political calendar of the Millau Grands Gausses community of communes, it ends just with an important time in the calendar: the presentation of the activity report. The opportunity for the elected representatives of the executive to look back on what has been achieved this year and to expose themselves to questions from their counterparts who do not have a position as vice-president of the community, invited to the session.

The fight against substandard housing

A major oral, timed, no more than five minutes of speaking time per elected official, to take stock. No big surprises on the program. The opportunity to (re)emphasize the structuring projects that marked the year. On the housing side, Didier Carrière, also elected in Creissels, insisted on this fight against substandard housing, which will be made concrete in 2024 by the implementation of the rental permit. 

"An agent has been transferred to the community of communes for this", he indicates. In total, 7 cases were reported as substandard housing, one “Diogenes syndrome” (a person who accumulates waste in their home, Editor's note), eight safety orders and one ban on living there. The community of communes, through its “I renovate with the com’com" scheme, has supported 158 works projects for a total of 2.64 M€.

Public transport on the rise

In mobility, the biggest project was the new public service delegation for the bus network between Millau and Creissels. It has just been deployed. It was supported by a 5.04% increase in bus use by schoolchildren and a 57.06% increase in monthly subscriptions.

“This is partly due to free transport for schoolchildren”, supports President Emmanuelle Gazel. The community also launched Vélicausses, the electrically assisted bicycle rental service. "It was a great success with 154 reservations between April and December, details the president. The idea is to change habits, in particular by installing new arches in the area." Users covered 34,000 kilometres from April to December "a saving of 8 tonnes of CO2", indicates the community of communes.

Waiting for a cycle path

In terms of work, Millau Grands Causses is still waiting for its cycle path along the Tarn to connect Millau to Le Rozier with a first phase between the city of the glove and Aguessac. "The discussions with the SNCF are complicated, concedes Emmanuelle Gazel. We are missing some agreements to launch the project but for the moment she does not want to give them. We expect answers in mid-October." So for the moment, the footbridge over the Tarn in Cureplat has been built (967,000 euros excluding tax) as has the development of the RD 809 which has allowed an additional cycle path to be created in Millau, as on Boulevard Raymond VII in Creissels.

Sales in Millau viaduct 2

Finally, on economic and tourist development, the community had to restore the paths of the Sauveterre causse ravaged by fires in an area recently labelled a Grand site de France. The community of communes was also behind the development of Puech d'Auzet, under the Millau viaduct, for mountain biking. Companies were also widely supported, with 23 of them receiving assistance from external stakeholders. Three sales also took place in the Millau viaduct 2 park with 9 expressions of interest.

The full activity reports can be found on the Millau Grands Causses community of communes website. I subscribe to read more

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