The Modef union, “concerned about the agricultural situation” in Gard, appeals to the Prefect of Gard

The Modef union, "concerned about the agricultural situation" in Gard, appeals to the Prefect of Gard

Frédéric Mazer is president of the MODEF du Gard and elected to the Chamber of Agriculture. Midi Libre – STEPHANE BARBIER

The union of the family farmers' defense movement (MODEF) invites to a press conference, Thursday, August 29, at 11 a.m. at the café “Le Napoléon” in Nîmes, in order to alert, among other things, on the health situation in Gard concerning the management of bluetongue (BT).

“So the grapes go into the cellar and the previous harvest has not been sold, the bluetongue epidemic is spreading and the bees are threatened by deltamethrin treatment”, the Modef union details, by letter, the list of threats weighing on farmers and asks to be received by Jérôme Bonet, the prefect of Gard.
In terms of sheep farming, the people of Gard are experiencing a unique situation since they have been affected by a viral form of this epidemic. But last fall. « And we lost quite a few animals, deplores Frédéric Mazer, president of the union (1). As for me, it's 10% of my herd that I lost. And a vaccination at my expense. »A substantial financial burden whose budget inevitably weighs on the finances of its breeders already subject to a highly competitive sector. During the conference, the union will also discuss the situation of certain winegrowers whose poor harvest has caused a start to the harvest « with a knot in their stomach » advances Frédéric Mazer.

A request for a meeting with the Prefect of Gard

The Prefect of Gard,

As the grape harvest begins in our department and a summer with a resigning government ends, the MODEF du Gard would like to alert you to the very difficult situation of Gard agriculture. As far as viticulture is concerned, for the first time in many years the new harvest will enter cellars that have not sold all or part of the previous harvest! This situation has many dramatic consequences: cash flow at its lowest, unpaid deposits, abandonment of plots, suppliers in difficulty… it's an entire sector that is collapsing!!! Regarding uprooting, what happens to the winegrowers who cease their activity?? The MODEF du Gard can propose solutions.
Concerning the FCO, the disease is flaring up in the departments around the Gard. An outbreak in the south of the department, one in Concoules and despite this vaccines are increasingly rare, the one concerning serotype 8, single dose and at the lowest price is out of stock. There is an urgent need to react, the modef of the Gard can make proposals.
The beekeeping situation is not brilliant… the harvest is expected to be very low. In addition, in the context of FCO, veterinarians recommend the disinfestation of sheep with deltamethrin, a product that is very dangerous for bees. We will have to communicate very quickly!
On all these subjects, there is urgency act at the departmental level and we ask you, Mr. Prefect, for a meeting in order to present our ideas and solutions.
Please accept the expression of our most respectful considerations.

(1) Frédéric Mazer, vice-president of Modef: 06 42  36 02 43

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