“The network needs to be made more efficient and accessible”: Millau's new urban transport offer criticised by users

"The network needs to be made more efficient and accessible": Millau's new urban transport offer criticised by users

Les personnes âgées et celles en mobilité réduite peuvent profiter de bus urbains adaptés. MIDI LIBRE – A.DELBOUIS

A collective called “Millau bus users” points out certain points for improvement on the network that has been active since the start of the school year in September. The elected official in charge responds that he is attentive to comments and requests with potential adjustments in mid-October.

“We are asking for an efficient and fluid network.” The Millau bus users collective thus launches its critical remarks on the urban transport offer in place since the beginning of September. Nathalie, very involved on the subject – "for years" she specifies – and who claims to represent around twenty people first reproaches "a lack of consultation upstream. They created a network overnight. Why not have proposed a questionnaire on the buses for example ?"

Line 1 in the crosshairs

Line 1 "new formula" is the least satisfactory in the eyes of the collective with a "reduction in cadences, particularly during peak hours on this very busy line. This puts people who go to work in difficulty." Colette, who is disabled, regrets "certain stops on bends" and "a lack of places for the elderly."

The delegate operating the bus lines is still Transdev, in partnership with the Causse coaches. And this for a period of six years. "The aim of the new offer is that the timetables of the four lines correspond to schoolchildren, many of whom take the buses, without forgetting other users at times corresponding to their needs." These prerequisites set Yannick Douls, municipal councillor delegated to mobility, after recalling that the transport competence is the responsibility of the Millau Grands Causses Community of Communes, insists on the creation of a line (the 4) and new timetables. "During the day there are now more services."

"Everything is new for users and even for drivers"

But what about the new line 1 formula which does not completely satisfy the user group ? "From fourteen passages we went to twelve by removing the times which did not really correspond, in particular the one at 8 p.m. which was not used. And we tightened it up during the day. The operator did the studies in relation to our requests. Afterwards, there are always adjustments because everything is new for users and even for drivers who may have made mistakes."

Free transport for all one day in Millau ?

"I know that Rodez has launched into free transport for all." The Aveyron prefecture will apply the measure from January 1, 2025. But Yannick Douls qualifies the Millau case. “The buses do not belong to us, which is not the case in Rodez. The concession only provides for free travel for schoolchildren. Of course, there will be operations to encourage the use of urban buses, perhaps at the end of the year for example. “Also, free periods to encourage the elderly to use the network. But, clearly, the extension of free travel for all is not planned." Yannick Douls specifies that a partnership with the CCAS allows the allocation of free journeys for people in precarious situations.

Yannick Douls specifies that the most numerous requests come from schoolchildren. The majority public of Millau urban transport: more than 60%. With total free transport for those residing in the community of communes. And the elected official disagrees with the assertion of the users' collective which points to an increase in the price of transport tickets. Yannick Douls speaks of simplification. We previously had three rates: general public, young people and senior citizens. We have chosen to keep only one for everyone: the youth rate which is not prohibitive. (7 euros for a 10-trip pass, 15 euros for a monthly subscription, Editor's note)”. On the subject of money, the elected official casually reveals the annual cost of the transport service for the community of communes: 1 million euros. "That is 3,500 euros per day for Millau."

Also read: New timetables, new lines… Everything you need to know about the bus network in Millau

And to contradict the criticism of unsuitable buses. "The stops are equipped for people with reduced mobility. The bus shelters installed are wide enough for people in wheelchairs. And all buses are equipped with a system allowing them to be lowered to ground level, making access easier." Yannick Douls concludes by announcing that he has "taken into account all the requests that we have sent to the operator. By October 15, he must come back with answers. In particular concerning the schedules that must correspond to the needs of a maximum number of users, not just schoolchildren."

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