The novelist Marion Fayolle receives the Habiter le monde Midi Libre Sauramps Prize

The novelist Marion Fayolle receives the Habiter le monde Midi Libre Sauramps Prize

Marion Fayolle a répondu aux questions des lecteurs de Sauramps et de Midi Libre. Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

Le quatrième Prix Habiter le monde a été remis ce jeudi soir à la romancière Marion Fayolle pour "Du même bois" publié chez Gallimard.

"La lecture d’un livre est une insoumission salutaire", noted Claude Sérillon, president of the jury for the Habiter le monde Prize, initiated in 2021 by Midi Libre and the Sauramps bookstore. Marion Fayolle, winner of this fourth edition, for her book Du meme bois, published by Gallimard, received her prize this Thursday evening, with great humility. "I am very touched that this first modest step in literature is rewarded with a prize which carries the theme of inhabiting the world. Me who sometimes feels a little disconnected, with a slight grip problem…hellip; "

The novelist Marion Fayolle receives the Habiter le monde Midi Libre Sauramps Prize

The Habiter le monde prize is endowed with 5,000 euros thanks to the participation of several partners, loyal since the beginning in 2021 ? Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART
A recognized illustrator (she is currently exhibiting at the Pompidou Center in Paris), Marion Fayolle has written a chronicle inspired by her family, these small Ardèche farmers who, from one generation to the next, pass the baton to each other of a life intertwined in the landscape, among the animals that we raise and a climate that decides everyone's daily life. A book written, or rather invented out loud while walking, "without knowing that it would be a novel".
A hybrid text that is as fluid as it is fluid, without a plan or well-defined division, with characters without names, which appealed to the aptly named Gabrielle Lwriter, editor at Gallimard. Marion Fayolle first thought it was a joke but since then she has received another prize (the Marcel Pagnol prize) and the enthusiastic reception of readers. "I wrote this book a bit like throwing a pebble into water. Thanks to you, I see that there are more and more circles in the water and that touches me a lot!"

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