'The only one who can judge is up there and inside me': How shaman Loup Blanc became a guru tried for rape

'The only one who can judge is up there and inside me': How shaman Loup Blanc became a guru tried for rape

Cyrille Adam, 72 ans, est jugé jusqu'à vendredi par la cour criminelle du Gard. Croquis d'audience Aline Champsaur.

On Monday, September 23, the Gard criminal court examined the career of Cyrille Adam, 72, who claims to have been a spiritual master for over forty years. He is being tried for rapes of his disciples during teachings given in Tarn-et-Garonne or in his house in Sumène, in the Cévennes.

“You cannot understand my system of thought. I am the ideal culprit!”

On the first day of his trial before the Gard criminal court, this Monday, Cyrille Adam, alias Loup Blanc, adopts a victim and conspiratorial posture.

Smooth skull, charcoal t-shirt, the septuagenarian who calls himself a shaman and healer keeps his eyes closed during the debates, meditative but attentive, he who claims to be a spiritual leader and certainly not a guru.

Inevitably, his ears are wide open, because the stakes are high: incarcerated for 33 months and his arrest by the gendarmes and the Caimades (Cellule d’assistance et d’intervention en matière de drifts sectaires), he faces twenty years of seclusion.

With his eyelids closed, he shakes his head “no” when the president lists the disciples who accuse him of rape under the pretext of releasing energies, as part of his community teaching, at the Château de Granès, in Réalville (Tarn-et-Garonne), but also in Sumène in the Cévennes where he lived before moving to a million-euro house in Prats-de-Mollo (P-O).

“All reports are consensual”

“There is no fact that I recognize ! “All the reports are consensual,” he replied to President Maryline Aristide. “One is false, she came between my legs, nothing happened.”

With his hand on his heart, he insisted, aware that the notion of sectarian influence was at the heart of his trial: “There was never any influence, I never abused anyone, he continues, he who charged for his training and teaching. I have a rate, it's like when you go to the baker, you pay for your bread. I do a job."

But how does one become the guru of a community of students who believe in his supernatural powers as a shaman, ready to spend thousands of euros on his teaching and to try tantrism in the master's bed for the women he designated ?

Cyrille Adam grew up in Oise, Catholic education, father who repaired televisions, authoritarian mother and a revelation at the age of 7 when he mentioned to some people supposed touching of a priest: the world is nothing but a big psychiatric hospital.

Resistant to authority, he left school at 14, dreaming of becoming a “model maker” but trained as a kitchen assistant and then scraped by with odd jobs. No pay slips were found.

Thanks to “sacred geometry” he supposedly guessed the fall of the Berlin Wall

Adam “prefers martial arts to women”, as he confirmed in court. The trigger came in 1982: at the age of 30, he gave his first lecture on “extrasensory perception”, then refocused on healthy eating, personal development and his “spiral of life” therapy.

First miracle: “thanks to sacred geometry, he guessed the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989”, reports the personality investigator, provoking in the room the enamored smiles of the disciples who remained faithful to the accused.

Gift of healing

The expert psychologist, for his part, reports this other anecdote: “He tells me that he picks up a bird crushed on the asphalt, he takes it in his hand, goes for a drink in a bar and the bird sings and moves, he resuscitates it.”

Mage, healer, drawing on yoga or the tarot of Marseille, he is inspired by Hindu cults, then transformed into a shaman twenty-five years ago, proclaiming himself a descendant of Sitting-bull, taking on the name of White Wolf or Red Cloud. The faithful follow him and renew themselves.

“His students are his professional, friendly and family circle”, summarizes the criminal court. To the point of burning his wings and abusing his power for his own pleasure ?

Adam, in a long, hazy statement, relishfully dons his master's costume and places himself above the experts – "I too could examine them with a conscience of love" – and justice.

“Never will they reach my mind”

« If they want to condemn me, they condemn me, they will never reach my mind. I can't blame you, you do your job, but justice mustn't be too blind!, he rants. They are trying to make me out to be a god, with powers, I have love and cosmic energy that circulates in the universe. The only one who can judge is up there and he is in me, because it is the conscience. »
This Tuesday, back on earth, with the hearings of the first plaintiffs and the investigators who have undermined his community.

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