The Samu social networkers on summer patrol in Alès

The Samu social networkers on summer patrol in Alès

Moment of comfort with Hacène Laidi during the Samu social marauding in Alès. -Jenny Bernard

The Samu social networkers on summer patrol in Alès

Rose-Marie Frignet, bénévole depuis quatre ans au Samu social d’Alès. – Jenny Bernard

Le Samu social de la Croix-Rouge intervient tous les jours durant la période estivale pour apporter réconfort. Le sous-Préfet de l’arrondissement d’Alès, Emile Soumbo, a assisté à l’une d’entre elles.

This Wednesday, August 21, on rue Edgar-Quinet in Alès, Loan, green T-shirt, sweatpants, brown hair tied up, is begging. He is one of the first people encountered during the afternoon patrol of the Red Cross followed by the sub-prefect of the Alès district Emile Soumbo. At 23, this young man is the father of a six-month-old baby boy and is preparing to be the father a second time in a few months. He says: “They asked us if we had any debts with the law. We explained that yes and we had papers that were not done so we could not find an apartment and they took advantage of this to take our child away from us.He is in a nursery. It does not please me as a father not to be able to take care of my child”, finishes the one who would like to become a stretcher-bearer.

In the white vehicles displaying the logo of the humanitarian aid association, Noémie Weber and Hacène Laidi, both employees, are accompanied by Rose-Marie Frignet, retired and a volunteer for four years. "I take care of the food bank and go to pick up food in Nîmes to prepare the packages for the week. I also like going on marauding trips to meet people. Food allows a first approach."

Between 1 000 and 1 300 bottles of water distributed in July

"During the two summer months as well as during the end-of-year holidays, marauding takes place seven days a week&quot ;, explains Noémie Weber.“The difference with winter is that we offer bottles of water and not soup.” Distribution of bottles but also meals, prepared in bags, that the beneficiaries can eat whenever they want. About “fifteen bags every day with respect for religion“, specifies the volunteer. Noémie Weber continues: “We don't have any fixed points. We go out and stop when we see someone in need or who calls us“. The places where people in difficulty are present are nevertheless well known, such as the post office or the municipal car park in lower Gardon.

Then the vehicles stop on Rue Saint-Vincent. Hacène Laidi gets out and hugs the two regulars on the corner with Rue Beauteville. The white plastic bags are handed to them. An exchange. A smile. A comfort for these two men. One of them, phone in hand, explains that he can't get through to 115, the social emergency number that people in difficulty or citizens wishing to report a problem can dial. But he insists, because, like every night, he would like to sleep somewhere other than on the street.

In addition to the patrols, the Samu social intervenes at the request of the Clède (social integration association), the communal social action center (CCAS), the municipal police and the integrated reception and orientation system (SIAO) which manages calls to 115. “It is a team that assesses the need for shelter on the ground”, explains Charlotte Bourgine, coordinator at SIAO. ” She will build a bond with the person to then support them in the administrative procedures. There is a daily relationship between the Samu social and the SIAO."

On the figures side, Renaud Morin, deputy director of the departmental directorate of employment, work and solidarity (DDETS) details: "For the month of July, sixty-seven patrols were carried out in Alès and between 1,000 and 1,300 bottles of water were distributed." A number that is unlikely to decrease given the regular heatwaves each summer.

The Red Cross is looking for volunteers all year round. Several types of missions are offered (communication, marauding, first aid, social action, etc.). More information on the website. I subscribe to read the rest

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