They have a “shadow government” in their sights

They have a "shadow government" in their sights

Some 200 people took to the streets of downtown Alès, in the Gard. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

They have a "shadow government" in their sights

Some 200 people took to the streets of downtown Alès, in the Gard. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

They have a "shadow government" in their sights

Some 200 people took to the streets of downtown Alès, in the Gard. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

They have a "shadow government" in their sights

Some 200 people took to the streets of downtown Alès, in the Gard. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

They have a "shadow government" in their sights

Quelque 200 personnes ont battu le pavé du centre-ville d'Alès, dans le Gard. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

À Alès, dans le Gard, 200 personnes, environ, ont manifesté contre le Président et son Premier ministre, dans la matinée de ce samedi 21 septembre.

The slogans written on the placards and banners sum it all up: “RIP Democracy”, “Macron impeachment”, “Resistance, resilience, revolution”, “Democracy flouted, Macron to be removed”, etc. This Saturday, September 21, in the morning, the New Cévenol Popular Front (NFP) is initiating a rally in Alès, in the Gard, in the spirit of the one organized on September 7, against the President of the Republic and his new Prime Minister. A movement, scheduled in front of the sub-prefecture, which is reinforced, at around 11am, by those who demand a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip every weekend, in particular, arriving to the cry of "Gaza, Gaza, silence we are killing".

"We must keep the flame alive", declares the communist Di Francesco

The Alès communist Giovanni Di Francesco indicates that such an event responds to the call of youth organizations and prepares the social day of October 1st. While there are some 200 people around him, he says that “we must keep the flame alive, even if we knew that today there would not be a crowd. People are waiting…"

Béatrice Ladrange points out "a disastrous and pitiful sequence"

Waiting, certainly, but those who pound the pavement of Boulevard Louis-Blanc remain "angry" since the legislative elections. "We are all mobilized together", declares Béatrice Ladrange, opposition municipal councilor in Alès. Speaking on behalf of all, she denounces "manoeuvres" to form a“ghost government”, which constitutes, she continues, the “epilogue of a disastrous and pitiful sequence”. After the appointment of Michel Barnier, a right-wing man, as Prime Minister, the left-wing elected representative from Alès points out the approach of “a government that is more than right-wing”, with “the blessing of the National Rally”.

The International Day of Peace is mentioned

In a second part, the intervention returns to the demands of the NFP: increase in the minimum wage, repeal of the pension reform, taxation of super-profits… And, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which falls on September 21, “a world of peace at the international level”. Béatrice Ladrange then charges the President again and announces an increased Defense budget: “Macron chooses guns over health, education…”

A quick stroll follows

Finally, the procession forms and attacks the descent of the boulevard. The goal is to end this morning of protest with a gathering on Place Gabriel-Péri.

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