They meet for Gaza, in Alès: “It’s a citizen movement, before ideologies. It’s for peace”

They meet for Gaza, in Alès: “It’s a citizen movement, before ideologies. It’s for peace”

Between 100 and 150 people gathered in front of the town hall of Alès. FREE MIDI – CHARLES LEDUC

They meet for Gaza, in Alès: “It’s a citizen movement, before ideologies. It’s for peace”

Between 100 and 150 people gathered in front of the town hall of Alès. FREE MIDI – CHARLES LEDUC

They meet for Gaza, in Alès: “It’s a citizen movement, before ideologies. It’s for peace”

Entre 100 et 150 personnes étaient réunies devant la mairie d'Alès. MIDI LIBRE – CHARLES LEDUC

A new gathering was organized this Saturday, February 3, in front of the town hall. Between 100 and 150 people were present.

"Thank you for being here. We would have liked there to be more of you, because the situation is more and more catastrophic in Gaza. This Saturday, February 3, in the morning, in front of between 100 and 150 people, Salima Mellah , from the France Palestine Solidarité association, was the first to take the microphone during the weekly rally, organized in front of the town hall of Alès, to demand, among other things, a ceasefire permanent.

After an update on the 120th day of conflict between Israel and Hamas, Jean-Michel Suau, for the Alesian communists, announced the holding of a public debate on this subject, in the Cazot room, on February 8, at 6 p.m., in the presence of Francis Wurtz, a specialist in international issues who was notably a member of the European Parliament.

Then, the speeches continued. To call for the continuation of this mobilization "for the defense of human rights", to emphasize that "it’is a citizen movement, before ideologies. It’s for peace."

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