They notice “the presence of smoke inside the plane”: a Lufthansa Boeing A330 forced to land urgently

They notice “the presence of smoke inside the plane”: a Lufthansa Boeing A330 forced to land urgently

Un appareil de la Lufthansa le 11 mars 2024 en train de décoller à Munich. (illustration) dpa – Matthias Balk

Ce lundi 18 mars 2024, un avion de la compagnie Lufthansa, en partance d’Allemagne en direction de Dubaï, a dû atterrir d’urgence à la suite d’un problème technique.

It’s Lufthansa’s turn. In recent months, technical problems have multiplied on planes: door torn off, wing coming off, wheel lost on takeoff… hellip; This Monday afternoon, it was an aircraft from the German company, which had taken off from Frankfurt bound for Dubai, which landed urgently in Rhodes, in the south-east of the Aegean Sea, due to ;an "electrical" problem, reports BFMTV.

A Boeing A330

This incident occurred with nearly 190 passengers on board. The plane in question is a Boeing A330, according to the website FlightRadar24, which tracks air traffic around the world in real time. The crew members were alerted when "the presence of smoke inside the plane" has been detected, reports the news channel.

The pilot of the plane therefore requested authorization to land urgently on the tarmac of the airport of the island of Rhodes in Greece. The authorities responded favorably, which allowed the city's firefighters to intervene on the device.

Luckily, all passengers and crew members are safe and sound. They must now wait until the "technical and safety inspection" is completed, but do not yet know if the&rsquo ;device will continue its journey or not to the United Arab Emirates.

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