Tibo Inshape future Minister of Sports ? The YouTuber says he is ready to accept, whether with the far left or the far right

Tibo Inshape future Minister of Sports ? The YouTuber says he is ready to accept, whether with the far left or the far right

“Il faut être fier d’être Français” clame le youtubeur. Capture d'écran Youtube

YouTuber Tibo Inshape recently revealed that he is "right-wing" and assures that he would be ready to occupy the post of Minister of Sports.

In a long interview for the media Brut, Tibo Inshape discusses his political position and his feelings a few days before the legislative elections. During the interview, the famous YouTuber who had previously called on to vote, without taking a position , this time admitted to being “right-wing”.

"Already, I am a business manager so obviously, me, in the voting booth, I think about my own interest and that of my loved ones, so indeed I can consider myself more right-wing yes, but human above all !", he elaborates. "I know that I am not racist, I know I'm not homophobic, I know I'm not everything that ends in '-phobe' but it’s true that people like to put that image on me", then deplores the man with 20 million subscribers.

The position of Minister of Sports ?

"You have to be proud to be French, continues the one who regularly displays a French flag in his gym, that doesn't necessarily mean that we belong to the extreme right or that we are racist", he decides."The extreme right has recovered the French flag and today, the extreme left and the left would have to recover the French flag to put it back in the center."

To the question of whether he would agree to become Minister of Sports, the main interested party replied in the affirmative."Whether it's extreme left, extreme right, as long as I'm not blocked in my decision-making, I'm not blocked from that. Sport has helped me so much personally, that I want to strongly advise people to do sport", he argues.

"We're not supposed to be politicized"

Relaunched on the possibility of taking such a position in a government of Jordan Bardella or with Marine Le Pen, the Toulouse resident responds: "C’ is a very good question, we'll talk about it again. This is not planned for the moment, and nevertheless specifies that it " make more enemies than friends". He also judges that he would have "no interest" in doing so for the "business". The videographer then admits to first thinking "about yourself" once in the voting booth. "We also think of our loved ones and then we think of others".

"I find it cool that we each have different opinions: everyone discusses, ideas from the right, the left, the extreme left, extreme right, we mix all that, we make a package and the politicians try to do something correct", he continues, still at the microphone of Brut.

Finally, about Squeezie, the second most followed YouTuber in France, who clearly called for a vote "against the extreme right& ;quot; in a long, argued message, Tibo Inshape explains that he is not "necessarily agrees with him, after once again he has the right to have your opinion. The letter was very well written, we feel that he had help to write it and I understand, it’s such a complicated subject. We are content creators, we are not supposed to be politicized, even if some could say that the role of influencer is also to give advice or guidance. My opinion is that everyone does what they want, everyone votes for the party they want.

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