US Presidential Election: If elected, Trump vows to “steal jobs” and “factories” from other countries

US Presidential Election: If elected, Trump vows to "steal jobs" and "factories" from other countries

Donald Trump veut “voler les emplois” et les “usines” des pays étrangers pour sauver son économie. MAXPPP – BIZUAYEHU TESFAYE

Donald Trump, candidat républicain aux présidentielles américaines, déclare vouloir "sauver" les travailleurs américains avec une baisse des impôts et des droits de douane "très élevés".

On Tuesday, September 24, Donald Trump announced that he wanted to “take factories and jobs” from other countries, from China to Germany or South Korea, if he is elected President of the United States on November 5. “We're going to attack their jobs and bring them back to America, where they belong”, the Republican candidate declared at his campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia.

I want German car companies to become American

To achieve this, the 74-year-old billionaire plans to end the “horrible nightmare” of American workers by creating special economic zones on federal lands “with taxes and very low regulations". Conversely, he promises to increase customs duties on manufacturers that do not manufacture their products in the United States. "I want German car companies to become American", he declared, not failing to castigate at the same time his competitor Kamala Harris by assuring that the companies "would flee" the country in the event of a victory of the Democratic candidate.

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