Vaccination against Covid-19: public concerned, date, locations… Everything you need to know about the new campaign which opens this Monday, April 15

Vaccination against Covid-19: public concerned, date, locations… Everything you need to know about the new campaign which opens this Monday, April 15

Health authorities are recommending a new dose of Covid-19 vaccine to the most vulnerable people. MAXPPP ILLUSTRATION

Intended to protect the oldest and most vulnerable people over the long term, a new vaccination campaign against Covid-19 opens this Monday, April 15.

If four years after its arrival, Covid-19 seems to be a distant memory today, the virus has not yet disappeared and continues to threaten the most vulnerable in particular .

It is for this reason that a new vaccination campaign begins this Monday, April 15. According to the opinion of the High Authority of Health (HAS), this vaccination renewal  nbsp;aims to protect people most at risk of developing a serious form of the disease throughout the summer period, including the Olympic and Paralympic Games " during which the movement of people from all over the world could encourage an epidemic wave", until the fall.

Who is affected?

People encouraged to receive a new dose of vaccines are those most at risk of developing a serious form of the disease. This is:

people aged 80 and over ; immunocompromised people, regardless of their age; people residing in Ehpad (accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people) or in USLD (long-term care units), regardless of their age; and any person at very high risk according to each individual medical situation and as part of a medical decision shared with the patient ;medical team.

In addition, anyone wishing to be vaccinated, even if they are not part of the targeted populations, can receive one of these doses, specify the health authorities.

When and why to get vaccinated ?

This vaccination renewal offers the most vulnerable people the possibility of being vaccinated again 3 months after their last injection or their last Covid-19 infection, thus strengthening their protection against the virus.

Based on numerous studies analyzed last year, the HAS affirms that "the vaccine effectiveness of a booster dose declines in the months following administration and this drop in protection varies according to age, it is earlier in people aged 80 and over".

"This vaccination renewal approach is part of a collective desire to protect the most vulnerable populations and limit the spread of the virus throughout the the year", explains the General Directorate of Health (DGS) to BFMTV.

Where to go?

Just make an appointment with your doctor, a pharmacist, a nurse or even a dental surgeon. No prescription or other documents are necessary. The injection is fully covered by Health Insurance and therefore represents no cost for policyholders.

The new campaign should extend until June 16 with a possible extension until July 15 depending on the epidemiological situation in the country.< /p>

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